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Smart scaling for mindmaps

  • January 22, 2022
  • 3 replies

TLDR: I wish to have mindmaps autoscale better to the size of the text in them and maybe an option to optimize for height instead of length. (Also pleaseee a background or an outline feature!)

Mindmaps are one of the most useful things in miro for me and my team, we are able to quickly jot down tons of information just by using the tab and command enter without having to drag an create new notes, but the scaling on mindmaps is very questionable. My personal mindmap i use for studying has close to 100 nodes and as you go down the branch and add more features… it just gets taller.
There’s lots of wasted space inbetween big trees and there’s no way to rescale them to be longer or use up the empty space. More like a flowchart, but with much faster execution time ;D


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  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • January 22, 2022

@SiliconeOX :

There is only one soulution:
Stop wasting money in a weak MindMapping-Toll wich isn’t a serious MindMapping program - There are other out on the market:

Faster, better and much more userfriendly …

XMind - Mind Mapping Software

or other software …

Since nearly two years someone out of this community had an idea and created a wish to make branches collapsible … 

on the 23th of march 2020 @Lena Shenkarenko 

was the only official mironeer who ever answered to this wish … no one of the other mironeers ever repeated to this wish …

MindMapping is only in one section on their Mind: SEO … but not in listening to their customers to the wishes of us ….

12644 views only one answer … from an official mironeer ...

Has the MindMapping function since that day been improved …?

No …

Miro is a good product but has two weak points:

MindMapping and GDPR …

If Photoshop would work like MS Paint … would you stay with it for image editing?

So why do you stay for MindMapping with this tool?

Miro has done no step and even not has taken time to tell us users:
“Sorry folks, but this  MindMapping thing isn’t something we work on”

Even if this is the option for miro … why … why the had never ever had taken a single step to cooperate with someone of the MindMapping giants to create an app for their marketplace …

@Lena Shenkarenko :

I know it is not your fault … (sorry you get in this ...)

But someone who decided:
Please no official statement to this case anymore ...

I remember this community started in answering even difficult and not so easy questions … but now … where are the mironeer-heroes gone … where are the official statements … even to not so easy questions …

Is this a solution … not answering …???



  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • January 23, 2022
mlanders wrote:

@SiliconeOX :

There is only one soulution:
Stop wasting money in a weak MindMapping-Toll wich isn’t a serious MindMapping program - There are other out on the market:

Faster, better and much more userfriendly …

XMind - Mind Mapping Software

or other software …

Since nearly two years someone out of this community had an idea and created a wish to make branches collapsible … 

on the 23th of march 2020 @Lena Shenkarenko 

was the only official mironeer who ever answered to this wish … no one of the other mironeers ever repeated to this wish …

MindMapping is only in one section on their Mind: SEO … but not in listening to their customers to the wishes of us ….

12644 views only one answer … from an official mironeer ...

Has the MindMapping function since that day been improved …?

No …

Miro is a good product but has two weak points:

MindMapping and GDPR …

If Photoshop would work like MS Paint … would you stay with it for image editing?

So why do you stay for MindMapping with this tool?

Miro has done no step and even not has taken time to tell us users:
“Sorry folks, but this  MindMapping thing isn’t something we work on”

Even if this is the option for miro … why … why the had never ever had taken a single step to cooperate with someone of the MindMapping giants to create an app for their marketplace …

@Lena Shenkarenko :

I know it is not your fault … (sorry you get in this ...)

But someone who decided:
Please no official statement to this case anymore ...

I remember this community started in answering even difficult and not so easy questions … but now … where are the mironeer-heroes gone … where are the official statements … even to not so easy questions …

Is this a solution … not answering …???



It’s a real shame to hear that, Miro is an amazing homebase for me and my team and we use mindmapping alot. We were going to upgrade to a paid plan but maybe we can look into other options

  • New Here
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  • February 11, 2022

Mindmapping on Miro is a nightmare to use.
Ok for managing 1 or 2 ideas. 
But impossible to use in a work env. I am going back to XMind.  
