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copy links for multiple browser tabs into Miro

  • December 23, 2021
  • 1 reply

Use Case:

Doing research on the internet that results in opening a large number of browser tabs that you may want to refer to later. 

Problem to solve:

It is a faff to individually copy each link from every tab into Miro and set up in a nice way. You want to record your browser session into your project: some tabs you have already read and perhaps want to dump a post-it or two over, or some tabs you haven't got round to reading but may want to in future. 

Critical Feature?:

Not critical but would make life a lot easier at points. 

Possible Solution:

Would be great to hit a button and drop links for all your browser tabs into Miro in one sweep, perhaps even with categorising them in some way in the process (e.g. read, read later, etc). It’s lovely to visualise your internet reading on Miro. 

I’m not sure technically how this would work? Internet browser extension perhaps? Or even just support for dropping multiple links and we could use something like this to generate: 

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INDEED...When I get busy with work online, which is every day, I will have open many browser pages and many tabs on each.

I try to have a browser page per topic, and then the tabs on that window all relate to the first tab and the topic found there.

But as always, by end of the day, I’ll have to much open that i cant find what Im looking for; not to even go into my system resources get crushed.

I was just looking online for methods to organize or track or link all my topics at one point.  That way Id have a sort of Dashboard somewhere where I can see all the open windows and tabs from a cental place.

And guess what...there is this mention by Ali-259 of the same issue.  And it is here on Miro, the Mind Mapping Program Im using.  

Therefore, I second Ali’s post above for a feature for Miro.


By way, I looked at 10 different MindMapping programs before choosing Miro.  I had MANY requirements, and at the end of the day, Miro can out on top.  So...Good Work Guys.  You have a good program.  There are some larger but the features you have are fine and perhaps because Your system isnt overwhelming with options.  
