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Automatically Expand Uploaded Content

  • December 16, 2021
  • 3 replies

I’m wondering if there could be a way to have a default setting that would automatically expand uploaded content (like pdf/ppt/any multi-page document/etc.) without needing to go through the multi-clicks to expand a document. I often upload around 20 pdfs to a board and have found it super annoying that the content starts to overlap, and also that I have to manually expand each document. It’s also frustrating in my case for the “preview” page to also be retained because it clutters up the board and looks duplicative if I’m just trying to arrange content to share out.

I would love a setting that would allow me to bypass the “preview” image of an uploaded document, and instead default to expanded documents so I can avoid multiple clicks to expand documents and then also have to delete the preview image. It’s helpful or me to see all of my content expanded out rather than have to click through pages on one preview image (though I can see benefits to both at different times).

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That functionality should contain a definition how much vertical and horizontal space you want between the pages and what your favourite number of pages per row.


i have to upload serveral ppt, pdf and maybe other office like documents and like described have to manually extract, place, reoganize structure and spacing group them with a frame. its so much manual repetition, where the goal is, that we can use it within collaboration when working with customers. in addition to the current feature to extend the rearrange option.
