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It would be nice to be able to invert the vertical and horizontal scrolling directions when using a mouse.

  • November 9, 2021
  • 1 reply

I’m used to trackpads that follow a natural scrolling direction (e.g., sliding fingers forward on the trackpad scrolls the page up). When I have to use a mouse, I set it up the same way, such that pushing the scrollwheel forward will move the page up (which is generally the opposite way that scrollwheels work).

It would be nice if I could do the same with Miro, and invert the directions in which a mouse scrollwheel scrolls content vertically.

For whatever reason, the horizontal scrolling (SHIFT + scrollwheel) is also opposite to what I would expect, so it would be nice to be able to invert that as well.

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Michael Stiso wrote:

I’m used to trackpads that follow a natural scrolling direction (e.g., sliding fingers forward on the trackpad scrolls the page up). When I have to use a mouse, I set it up the same way, such that pushing the scrollwheel forward will move the page up (which is generally the opposite way that scrollwheels work).

It would be nice if I could do the same with Miro, and invert the directions in which a mouse scrollwheel scrolls content vertically.

For whatever reason, the horizontal scrolling (SHIFT + scrollwheel) is also opposite to what I would expect, so it would be nice to be able to invert that as well.

yes I find this quite annoying too.. 
