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Don't lose object selection after Un-do action

This is a minor one, but it would be nice if object selection wasn’t lost after an undo action. Here is the usecase:

Want to move / copy / edit larger number of objects in one go

  1. select n object
  2. apply desired action
  3. realise that not all objects were included
  4. Undo, to select further objects

Issue:  at this point one has o select from scratch again

While this sounds like a small thing, not loosing he selection on Undo (as is the case with most other vector tools) would save a lot of time...

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@Lena Shenkarenko  found an article where you mentioned working on “UX Improvements”..   Please consider this one!

  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • August 20, 2022

Please for all that is right and holy in this world make this change. Keep items selected after undos. This allows us to immediately make the intended move/action etc. When you automatically deselect we have to reselect everything which in a lot of cases is a time consuming task. Lots of lost time reselecting something I just spent time selecting. 

Gábor Péter Kertes

Oh, not having this is so annoying.

I have worked with a zillion design tools... and every time I lose selection in Miro after undoing something, part of me dies.
