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Return to Previous Function after "Shift"



The issue:
I use Miro for educational purposes, utilizing the pen tool to draw on worksheets as well as to write out lecture notes. I noticed that the “shift” button automatically exits the pen tool and activates the select tool. This is a bit of an issues as “shift + scroll” is the shortcut for horizontal scrolling. Therefore, if a user would like to use the pen tool while navigating horizontally, they either have to reselect the pen tool after every navigation, or utilizing the “left” and “right” keys which navigate VERY slowly.


The proposed solution:

When utilizing the shift key, Miro should automatically return the user to the previously used function, whether that be pen, shapes, stickies, etc. This added function will not affect the original use of the shift tool for multi-selection since the function will return to the “select” function if that was the last active function.


I hope that this isn’t too difficult to implement. I think it is a very important feature as it will affect almost every user’s workflow - navigation is central to working with any Miro board. Thanks for your time and for the amazing product!

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