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Rocketbook Beacons Integration

As someone who uses both a physical and a digital whiteboard, it would be awesome to have a way to flow between them. I already use Rocketbook Beacons to send a .jpg of my board to a Drive folder, can a way be developed to add a Miro board to the list of “destinations” the Rocketbook app can send an image to?

For example, I’d love to sketch out an idea quickly on a physical whiteboard, then use the Rocketbook app to send that image to a Miro board, where I can take that sketch and refine it. I know I can just upload an image straight from my phone, but the Rocketbook app straightens, color corrects, and is just way more efficient.

In an ideal world, there would be a way to draw on a physical whiteboard, scan it, and then have it be converted into a Miro board. Like Stickies Capture on steroids. A guy can wish, right? 

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2 replies

Agree. Miro are moving in on this functionality

I just found out that the ‘Sticky Notes’ feature can do this, though it’s far from as good as Rocketbook quality IMHO

Véronique Carbonneau

Was looking for this feature.
It would be amazing to have it as an integrated App - Would be really nice to test it with my many hybrid group (in pesron session / online at the same time )

Rocketbook Orbit - pages for notes
Rocketbook cards - for groups 
Rocketbook beacons - for real whiteboards
