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Open Sans to IBM Plex Sans


Hi everbody :wave:

is there any possibility to change the Miro Default Font (Open Sans) to another one offered in the list (eg. IBM Plex)?



@Niklas Lankenau - It is not currently possible for uses to adjust the default font.

For everyone reading, I will point out that when you change the font for shapes or text boxes, any subsequent shapes or text boxes created during that board session will use the font last set by the user.

There is a Wish List Idea posted requesting more font customization options, so you may want to add your comments/votes to this Idea → Custom typeface/font

If you don’t think that Idea captures your ask, you can always create your own Idea in the Wish List category by following the guidelines here: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know. If you do create a Wish List Idea post, I would also recommend that you post a link to it back here, so that future readers of this post can quickly get to and vote for your Idea.

Besides that, the selection of Open Sans as default font by product development team is very questionable taking into account that this font has a very low quality of Cyrillic version, as well as the majority of Google Fonts, besides IBM Plex and PT Sans. I mean you can’t create a good typography samples based on the 90% of the fonts from the list if you try to combine both Latin and not-latin wording

open sans is a good font, why is it bad? whats “Cyrillic”?

Hi @Robert Johnson – what I noticed is that:

  • The font remembering does not work for Flowchart shapes, only Basic Shapes.
  • The font size is not remembered. Only the font face.

Any chance both of the above could be fixed?

Hi @Robert Johnson – what I noticed is that:

  • The font remembering does not work for Flowchart shapes, only Basic Shapes.
  • The font size is not remembered. Only the font face.

Any chance both of the above could be fixed?

There is always a chance this could be changed, however, I do not work for Miro and have no insights into their backlog.

I would use the built-in Feedback tool to share this information with the product team:

