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Join us on the path to reconnection at Distributed 2021 🤝

  • September 29, 2021
  • 2 replies
Join us on the path to reconnection at Distributed 2021 🤝

Hi Miro Community, 

At Distributed 2021, our third annual virtual event, we’ll break down digital walls and explore how to deeply connect with our teams, work, and sense of purpose.

And you won’t want to miss the unveiling of a new set of tools to help you engage and make big things happen.

Bring your knowledge and experience as we think visually about challenges with the help of experts like our very own CEO, Andrey Khusid, and designer and best-selling author, Jake Knapp.

Let’s make work and technology a bit more joyful, a bit more energizing, a bit more human.


 :calendar_spiral:  When?

  • AMER: October 19-20, 8am-2pm PDT
  • EMEA: October 20-21, 8am-2pm CEST



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2 replies

  • 15 replies
  • October 20, 2021

what benefits would this have to users? don’t know why whoever is excessively promoting this but nobody even knows

Colleen Curtis
  • Active Contributor
  • 129 replies
  • October 21, 2021

Hi @miruses


At Distributed 2021 (which is now almost over) -- here is what users were able to accomplish (at no charge, and completely optional): 


*Learning about new product features released by Miro & joining the Community beta to test and give feedback on new features as we co-create the platform together. 

*Keynote is here for anyone interested in viewing!
*Thought leadership in the visual collaboration space and beyond. 
*Connecting with thousands of Miro users from all over the globe, 181 countries represented. 

*4 new education workshops to learn new skills in Miro. 

*25+ interactive opportunities to engage on many topics related to development, career growth, making meetings better, and more. 

Sorry you were not able to join us this year, we hope to see you there next year! 
