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SDK Improvements on deprecation warnings

  • November 20, 2020
  • 1 reply


Not sure in which forum to put it.

I just checked miro.d.ts for IBoardViewportCommands which I am using as single source of turth, but not all methods are listed there. Just fiddled in the console and on miro.board.viewport I get those methods listed:

miro.board.viewport.  methods

When using the methods getZoom, zoomToObject it shows deprecation warning, alltough this methods are also listed on the documentation example here Would be cool to see in the console which method to use instead (eg. getZoom shows deprecated, but could mention to use getScale instead).

And a general migration section in the docu would be cool.


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Daniela Gavidia

Hello Markus,


You should use miro.d.ts as the source of truth for methods that are currently supported. All the methods in miro.d.ts are also documented in the “SDK Reference” section of our documentation:

The Javascript console exposes some methods that are deprecated and/or experimental. This is a problem that we will address in a future release of the SDK.


Kind regards.

