Hey @John C.,
Thanks for reaching out about this, and good question. Happy to help shine some more light on this for you.
As a first step, can I kindly ask if you would be interested in adding these end users of your own app as users under one Miro account that you own, or if you’d like create individual (separate) Miro accounts for them, on their behalf?
If it’s the former, this can be accomplished via API, by leveraging our Team / Team Members API endpoints. More specifically, you could create a Team under your Miro account using the Create Team API, and then you could invite the user from your app to join that team programmatically via the Invite Team Member API. This could also be similarly managed using our SCIM API, as well.
If it’s the latter, there’s not currently a programmatic way to create a separate Miro account on behalf of another user, though it’s a good suggestion for more administrative-type use cases!
Once a user exists under your account, you can invite them to a specific board using the Share Board API.
I hope these details are helpful, but let me know if there are still open questions. Happy to help. 
Hi Will,
This was very helpful! Originally, I was thinking of using the latter of what was mentioned, but I'll rethink my approach given the API's available. If I have more questions, I'll gladly reach out. Thank you!
Hi @Will Bishop ,
1. If we programmatically create users for others can we make them with their personal email accounts? If so,
a. How do they set their password?
b. Can we programmatically set their password?
2. I imagine users get notifications when they're programmatically invited to a team, or new user account has been created for them; in general, is there a way to control which notifications are sent? I'd like for the app I'm building to control sending notifications by sending out a link to a shared board.
3. I want my users to only see the board shared with them, would they see anything outside of that? I.e. the miro user dashboard/home landing page.
a. If so, is there a way to lock their account down?
John C.
Accidentally set the incorrect post at the answer and don't see a way to remove it.