Hi, I’m poking around the webapp- and rest-api in order to figure out if its possible to bridge Shotgun ↔ Miro for internal needs.
Currently, everyting works fine with a localhost dev-server + self-signed SSL-certificates, drawer with images, javascript executing, the whole shebang. However, when trying to replicate the last part of the drag-and-drop demo and running the following code:
miro.board.widgets.create({‘type’: ‘image’, url: “https://localhost.*”, x:x, y:y})
The board complains that I’ve put in the wrong address, but clicking the link in source takes me to the correct image. So I'm assuming that it looks from the ‘outside’ and therefor can’t see my dev-server.
Since everything else has worked fine on local up till now I’m wondering if this can be rectified or if I’ve missed something? Running this on an internal server is an hard requirement, the service as a whole (miro) has been vetted as safe so a possible work-around would be to have them hosted by them, with the caveat that the images are not available ‘publicly’.
Finally, there is going to be a lot of images, that are going to be updated quite frequently, so any mid-step upload will have to be automatable.