Automatically open Iframe and set thumbnail

  • 28 August 2023
  • 1 reply


I am trying to visualize my Spotfire dashboards into our Miro board via Embed iFrame code.


Unfortunately, both “&autoplay=yep” nor “&embedAutoplay=true” seem to load the iFrame automatically… 

This is the code I use:

<iframe src="" height="900" width="1895"></iframe>


How can I fix this issue? 

Additionally, in case it’s not possible to load/open automatically, can I set a thumbnail? 

Great thanks in advance!



1 reply


Hi Frank!

Unfortunately, Miro doesn’t support auto play for embedded content. You can find more details on this in Frequently asked questions.

For the preview, Miro fetches an image from the URL, if there is an image in webpage’s metadata or body content. It is possible by pressing the Update button:

