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Zoom Extents - See Everything at Once

  • 18 October 2022
  • 3 replies

My miro board is starting very zoomed in on a few areas. I want to be able to see everything and zoom extents outward to see the extent of everything in my project board. I am Mac based if that’s important. I did scale the PDF files I brought in to be larger, but I have never had this issue before in Miro. Help please. :)

3 replies


Hi @Rachel Wierda 
I’d be happy to help here!

If you’d like to see everything on your board (zoom to fit) you can simply use the shortcut keys Option + 1 on your Mac. This will adjust your board’s zoom level to fit all the objects on it. You can also use the mini-map tool on the bottom-right corner of your board to easily navigate around the board’s content.

​ I hope it helps!



Thank you so much!!

It’s worth pointing out that “Fit to Screen” in Windows is Alt + 1.
