whats the easiest way to make my board public? share it with anyone with a link.

  • 4 February 2022
  • 1 reply

I have some issues, where some i had to accept request and others i has to send invitations .

whats the simplest way to go ? knowing that im the owner of the board.

and that im not upgraded . and when i click on share , this is what it looks like .

Thank you!


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Rula Deiranieh - If you only need to share the board in view-only mode, use this option:

Because there is no "publicly editable" option for Free Plan users (the feature is called Visitors access), only teambers can edit the board. To make someone a teamber and share a link directly to the board, use the option:

Note: Now that they are a teamember, they can create boards in your team. They could also edit any boards that you have not changed the "team-level access" to "view" or "comment" only, which is set from here:

