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Upgrade but no ability to export

  • September 21, 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi Community, 

I did some one work on Miro under my own free account however I need to now export this to my work account but it wont let me. I just paid $20 for a month to see if I could export my mind map but it still says upgrade. Is there limit if you pay monthly rather than yearly? Am i vendor locked in and now will have to recreate several days work again? I need to export this to my corp Miro account and use it there. Any help is hugely appreciated. I know this is probably worded wrong so sorry if its confusing. 

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7254 replies
  • September 21, 2021

@Gavin Partington - A few things to note:

I just paid $20 for a month

Presumably you upgraded to the Team Plan which has a two seat/license minimum - there is also the Consultant Plan (found under “working with clients” that costs $15/month - more on plan pricing here.

However, you didn’t need to upgrade your Free Plan in order to copy the board into any other Miro account.

A few ways to accomplish this:

#1) Add work email to Free Plan team

  1. Add your work account email as a team member to your Free Plan team (settings → Active users → Invite team member)
  2. From your work email Miro dashboard, click on the Free Plan team to switch to that dashboard
  3. Right-click on the board you want to move and select Duplicate
  4. Right-click on the duplicated board and select Move to account and select your work team.

#2) Copy the board to your work account without being a team member

  1. From your Free Plan account, open the board’s Share settings and set it to Anyone with the link → Can view
  2. From your work email, open that board, click on the board title, and then Duplicate:

Now, for that second option, because you upgraded your account, you may need to do this additional step in order for your work account to be able to Duplicate the board:


If the above works for you, I would contact Miro support and ask for a refund:


I need to now export this to my work account but it wont let me

Have you signed out and back in since upgrading?

What steps are you taking to try to export?

Without knowing how you are accessing Miro (browser, which one, or desktop app), which operations system you are using (Windows or macOS), it’s worth noting that the following form the Board export help center article:

