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Unable to use my account

  • 4 December 2023
  • 5 replies

I’ve used Miro in the past when I was invited to collaborate on another company’s board.


I would like to create my own boards and use Miro for my company, but I’m not able to do so because when I log in I get a message that says “Join teams to access boards” and the only option is “Ask to join”.


I don’t want to join a team with the company that I collaborated with before, but I can’t see an option to remove myself from their teams or their account.


Please help!

5 replies

Userlevel 7
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@JimHills - I have experienced this exact situation before, where I was added to an internal Miro-ran Enterprise Plan and had to request that a Company Admin of the subscription remove me. You could reach out to that previous company and ask that a Company Admin not only remove you from all teams, but also from the Company → Active users page.

But, in the meantime, I have converted your post into a Miro support ticket to see if they can resolve this for you. You should have received an email confirmation of the ticket being opened on your behalf.

Hi @Robert Johnson I’ve left my teams by mistake and am now stuck on “Join teams to access boards” with nowhere to click or request access. Can you please help?


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @Robert Johnson I’ve left my teams by mistake and am now stuck on “Join teams to access boards” with nowhere to click or request access. Can you please help?


If you are seeing this message with no option to “Create new team”, you are likely on an Enterprise Plan subscription and you will likely need a Company Admin of your subscription (or Team Admin) to add you back to a team. Do you have a company help desk team that you can reach out to? Or maybe someone on one of the teams you left will know who administers your Miro subscription.

Hello @Robert Johnson, I have the same issue. I logged into Miro using my personal email address, saw that I was in a bunch of teams from my old job, left all those teams, and now I get the message “Join teams to access boards”. I can’t do anything with my account, I just have this popup message with no option of closing it and no way of managing my account or creating my own team. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Steffan Warren - There are at least four ways to get our of your situation:

  1. A Company Admin of the Enterprise Plan(s) you are a member of need to:
    1. Deactivate you
    2. Delete you from the subscriptions
  2. Create a new Free Plan team with another email address, and then add your current email address a member of that new team.
  3. Going to and purchasing a paid subscription.

Before I talk about option #4, let’s talk about the impacts of the first three options:

  1. While this is the preferred method, you have no control here. You must find out who a Company Admin is, reach out to them, and wait for (and hope) they comply with your request. And, if you aren’t a member of any team, you may not be able to get to the company/team settings page to find a company admin by role in a list of users.
  2. Even though you’ll be able to user Miro again (and for free), your profile will still be associated with an Enterprise Plan subscription that is managed by someone else.
  3. Similar to #2, but with the added cost of having to purchase a subscription.

I opened a Miro support ticket about this trapped-in-an-Enterprise-Plan scenario, and here’s what they said:

After discussing this behaviour with the corresponding team, we'd like to let you know that this particular flow is going to be improved in the long term. This means that the Development Team will need to implement several improvements in this product area to achieve the desired outcome. We understand this is important, however, we do not have strict timeframes for how long this change will take.


Option #4: Delete your Miro account profile and immediately create an new one with the same email

Don’t  be afraid! Miro (and my own testing) confirmed that you can create another profile again:


I put this to the test by:

  1. Adding one of my Miro account profiles to an Enterprise Plan subscription that I am a Company Admin of.
  2. I added that profile to one team.
  3. As my test user, I left the team and got the same “Join a team” prompt.
  4. Then, as my test users, I deleted my Miro account profile.
  5. While signed in as a Company Admin of the Enterprise Plan, I saw my test account disappear from the list of users.
  6. I went to using the address I just deleted in Miro and created a new account and had a free plan team again.

Getting to your Profile page

This link should take you to your Profile settings page, where you should find a Delete my profile link at the bottom of the page:


If you still cannot get to the page to delete your profile, then click this link to automatically be added as a member of one of my test Free Plan teams. Once you do this, you WILL for sure be able to get to your profile settings page and delete your profile :)

I hope this helps!
