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Tables are gone and replaced by Wireframes named "untitled chart"

  • February 23, 2023
  • 8 replies

Today I realized that in my Miro board (free) many of my tables are gone. Instead, in the location where the tables had been, I can now, by selecting the area around the supposed table, see a “Wireframe” (just the border of “nothing”) which is named “Untitled chart”. But no table is visible. In the board history, I can see an edit of a “table2x2widget”, but when I select this change, it just marks this empty wireframe.

It seems to me that this was some kind of “special” table (although I wouldn’t be able to explain, what was so special), because even tables created in 2021 (and not changed afterwards, but copied in the following years) are gone.

Does anybody have similar issues?


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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • February 23, 2023

@Benni R. -

Yes, it does look like the “old” table object (which was really just a simple set of columns and rows) has been eliminated entirely meaning that while it might be in the board’s data, it is not being rendered. I opened a board I had created back in 2020 which used that object and sure enough I just have blank spots where the tables and their data used to be :-( 


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7267 replies
  • February 23, 2023

@Benni R. - I believe this was the really old chart or grid object. I had one of these on a really old board and am now seeing the same thing:


I believe this was before Tables, and before Grids. I think it was the “old” Grid, so, you would have had these objects on the board of probably over two years.

  • Mironeer
  • 277 replies
  • February 24, 2023

Hi @Benni R.,

Alyona from Miro Support team is stepping in for a moment. 

We are extremely sorry about the confusion and unnecessary stress caused by your table disappearing from your boards. Miro is working on a revamp project that focuses on improving how Miro users build tables / charts and visualise data on the Miro board. Your chart widget (the table) was part the first phase of this revamp project, and while we were not anticipating the test to impact you, we are very sorry that it did. We are working on reinstating your data on the boards. However, going forward, we would recommend using our Tables feature. Two reasons:

  • We will eventually consider deprecating the Chart table widget completely
  • The Tables feature is expanding and will allow you to do more with your tables

Please do allow us a little time to reinstate your data. We will keep you posted as soon as it is up and running.


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  • February 24, 2023

Thanks a lot for your replies, and @Alyona for your help! As far as I can remember, I did use the “Tables” app for these widgets, at least for some of those that are now gone. Isn’t it a bit dangerous to deprecate these widgets, but still offering them in the sidebar?


  • Mironeer
  • 277 replies
  • February 24, 2023

Hi @Benni R.,

Sorry if my message was a bit confusing! The table widget is the one we recommend using; it's not being deprecated; on the contrary - actively developed. The one that you now see missing from your board was a part of the charts. It was not possible to create new "charts" tables for a while already, but they were still present on the boards. They are now "hidden", but the team works on unhiding them. 

Once they become visible again, I suggest you transfer the data to the tables (the ones shown in your screenshot). I'll keep you posted on the progress! 

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  • February 24, 2023
Alyona wrote:

Hi @Benni R.,

Sorry if my message was a bit confusing! The table widget is the one we recommend using; it's not being deprecated; on the contrary - actively developed. The one that you now see missing from your board was a part of the charts. It was not possible to create new "charts" tables for a while already, but they were still present on the boards. They are now "hidden", but the team works on unhiding them. 

Once they become visible again, I suggest you transfer the data to the tables (the ones shown in your screenshot). I'll keep you posted on the progress! 

Hey, @Alyona , thanks for clarifying. One question though: Once recovered, is there a way for me to find all “Charts” widgets used on my board in a simple manner? In my case, that might be feasible manually, but thinking of really huge boards (like some of the boards we use in our company), this might be a mission impossible.

  • Mironeer
  • 277 replies
  • February 24, 2023

Hi @Benni R.,

The tables should be back; could you check? Answering your question about the best way to find all "charts" tables is to select all widgets on the board (or specific area) and, using filtering, choose Wireframe

I should mention that if there are other wireframes on the board, they will also be included in this category, but hopefully, it'll still help narrow down the search. 

Hope this helps 🙂

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  • 3 replies
  • February 24, 2023

Hey @Alyona , yes, my tables are back! Thanks a lot for restoring them! And also thanks for the hint with the selection. I played around with the API v1 and also got the (in my case) 18 items, but was not able to narrow them down. But your select-and-filter-approach worked like a charm! I’ll now move them to the new “Tables” wireframe. Thanks for your support, and have a nice weekend!
