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Selecting Overlapping Images

  • 8 October 2020
  • 1 reply


I want my to be able to stack images to make a composite layered image a bit like in Photoshop

I can get the images to snap and align perfectly but I need to be able to select any image in the

stack.  I can only seem to select the top image.  Is there a way to select through the stack, like

with a popup menu of all the images to pick from?




1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@John Cox -

The only two suggestions I’d have are:


  1. Create a PDF file with the images and upload that instead of individual images. The PDF will let you browse forward & back.
  2. Stick with images but have folks use the “Send to back” command to send the top image to the back of the stack and then repeat the process until it is again the top image.

