Внезапно кодировка с Русского языка в темплейте сломалась, в тексте стикерах и тд все хорошо. Текст копируется и вставляется на русском. Но не внутри темплейта. Ничего не делала, оно просто само внезапно
Thank you for reporting this issue! It sounds like there may be a problem with how text is rendered in the Roadmap template specifically. Since other text elements work fine, it could be a temporary issue or a bug affecting that template.
Here are some steps to try:
- Refresh the board – Sometimes, reloading Miro resolves display issues.
- Try another browser – If you're using Chrome, try Firefox, Edge, or Safari.
- Check the template font – Some fonts may not support certain character encodings. Try changing the font style if possible.
- Duplicate the template – Copy the Roadmap template to see if the issue persists in a new version.
- Use the Miro desktop app – If you're using a browser, try opening the board in the Miro app.
If the problem continues, I recommend contacting Miro Support with details about your OS, browser, and a screenshot of the issue. Let me know if you need help with this!
Здравствуйте! Возникла проблема с таблицами. Было создано несколько больших таблиц с данными, которые были заполненные на русском языке, сегодня зашел в миро и вижу вместо букв символы. Если в этой таблице писать на англ, то все ок, если на русском то сразу символы.
Что произошло, теперь так будет всегда или это баг? Из-за того, что таблицы в бета режиме возможно в этом проблема или в чем-то другом. И да, так отображается у всех, с разных устройств, у разных людей
Это очень ужасно, весь план работы на пол года слетел

Точно такая же проблема случилась в таблицах
Проверено в гугл, яндекс, edge и Приложении под Windows

Thank you for reporting this issue! It sounds like there may be a problem with how text is rendered in the Roadmap template specifically. Since other text elements work fine, it could be a temporary issue or a bug affecting that template.
Here are some steps to try:
- Refresh the board – Sometimes, reloading Miro resolves display issues.
- Try another browser – If you're using Chrome, try Firefox, Edge, or Safari.
- Check the template font – Some fonts may not support certain character encodings. Try changing the font style if possible.
- Duplicate the template – Copy the Roadmap template to see if the issue persists in a new version.
- Use the Miro desktop app – If you're using a browser, try opening the board in the Miro app.
If the problem continues, I recommend contacting Miro Support with details about your OS, browser, and a screenshot of the issue. Let me know if you need help with this!
None of the solutions worked
Така ж сама проблема і десктопній програмі

The data in the table was written in Ukrainian
After the update, the Ukrainian language disappeared.
How to return to entering data in Ukrainian and return the table with data in Ukrainian?

Подскажите когда будет решение?
Ребят, ну очень нужно видеть роудмап! У нас планирование года в самом разгаре!
Here are some steps to try:
- Refresh the board – Sometimes, reloading Miro resolves display issues.
- Try another browser – If you're using Chrome, try Firefox, Edge, or Safari.
- Check the template font – Some fonts may not support certain character encodings. Try changing the font style if possible.
- Duplicate the template – Copy the Roadmap template to see if the issue persists in a new version.
- Use the Miro desktop app – If you're using a browser, try opening the board in the Miro app.
If the problem continues, I recommend contacting Miro Support with details about your OS, browser, and a screenshot of the issue. Let me know if you need help with this!
None of these solutions worked too.
Miro support says they will try to reproduce bug
Чи є в когось вирішення проблеми?
Проблема актуальна. Слетела кириллица из шаблона Roadmap Planning
Напишите сроки решения, пожалуйста
Проблема актуальна. Слетела кириллица из шаблона Roadmap Planning
Напишите сроки решения, пожалуйста
Не говорят сроков

I am encountering a problem with Cyrillic characters in tables. Whenever I input Cyrillic text, it is replaced with a random set of symbols that do not match what I typed on the keyboard. However, when I use Latin characters, everything works perfectly fine. I want to notice than two days ago (3 Feb) everything was OK

Thanks for bringing this up!
This is a known bug. I’ll keep an eye on the bug report and update this thread as soon as there are any new developments. In the meantime, I’ve converted your post into a support ticket so it can be added to the report.
Let me know if you need anything else!
I see now, that problem solved, normal roadmap text is returned (russian). Thanks for Miro dev, if they did it
Hi everyone,
Thanks for your patience while the team investigates this issue. As of now, there has been no official confirmation from the tech team that a fix has been released. However, thank you,
I'll continue monitoring the bug report and will provide an update once the team officially confirms the fix to ensure it applies to all users, not just a subset. Let me know if anyone is still experiencing the issue
I'll continue monitoring the bug report and will provide an update once the team officially confirms the fix to ensure it applies to all users, not just a subset. Let me know if anyone is still experiencing the issue
Hi! Roadmap actually worked fine on friday (7 feb). But now it is still bug in here and roadmap looks like this

Hi everyone,
The team has released a fix and others confirmed that this is resolved on their end. Please let me know if the issue persists on your end.
In the meantime, I will tag this thread as RESOLVED.
Please let me know if the issue persists on your end.

Thanks for letting me know. Does this issue persists after trying the troubleshooting steps outlined here - https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017731413-How-to-troubleshoot-and-report-a-bug?
Kindly share the result here
Thanks for the quick revert! I have your comment converted into a support ticket so the team can look into it further. Please check your inbox for the team’s response!
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