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[RESOLVED] Cannot move boards to Projects in Safari browser

Up until few weeks ago, I was able to move boards into different projects. This option is no longer possible. Clicking on the board title opens the window with settings, and there is a link to change the project as well. But the dropdown menu - which used to show all the projects to choose from - no longer lists the projects. Does anyone else have a similar problem? Has anyone figured out how to solve it? 

in case it is an Operating System and browser issue, I am trying to work with Safari (14.0.3) on a Mac that runs Catalina (10.15.7). 

Many thanks in advance. 


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May 6, 2021

hello Everyone, 

Miro team has fixed the bug - all works as it should now - also in Safari. 

Many thanks @Robert Johnson for initiating the workflow which generated very quick results. I am impressed. 

All the best, 


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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • May 3, 2021

@Murat Mirata - Someone could have changed the permissions of the folders. If you are not a member of the folder, then you won’t have it an an option to move the board to. You can test this by creating a new project called “TEST123” and that should show up in the list of projects you could move he board from within the Board details popup.

I'm facing this very same issue from some days ago. :slight_frown:  When trying to move a board from a project to another project, I cannot select any project on the drop down selector as I was doing before.

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • May 4, 2021

@Adrián López -

From where are you attempting to do the move - the Miro dashboard? How are you accessing Miro?

I just tried it myself from the Miro dashboard view using Google Chrome on a Windows 10 PC and it worked fine…


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • May 4, 2021

@Adrián López / @Murat Mirata  - To confirm that we are all talking about the same thing (and to educate other readers), these are Projects:


A Project’s permissions can be set as follows:


When you login to your Miro account and are on your Dashboard, what Projects do you see? E.g.:


Also, if the issue you are describing is happening in a browser, does it still happen if you were to try a Miro desktop app?

Thank you @Robert Johnson - the desktop app solved the problem (this is embarrassing I know, but I did not know about its existence).   The problem persists on the web browser. 

Many thanks to all that showed interest. 




Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • May 4, 2021

@Murat Mirata - I am curious if is possibly a browser extension that could be causing the issue.  Have you tried a private/incognito window? That should disable all browser extensions.

@Adrián López - Are you also using Safari and if so which version?

@Robert Johnson Project’s permissions are correct. In fact, I do confirm I can move any board between projects using the desktop app as @Murat Mirata said. I'm using Safari without any extension, which was the very same browser I was using before when I could this action. Thank you for the quick response! :raised_hands:

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • May 4, 2021

@Adrián López & @Murat Mirata - Thanks for confirming this. Since you are both experiencing the same behaviour in the Safari browser, this may be a bug and therefore should be reported to Miro support.

@Murat Mirata - Since you opened the ticket, I will automatically create a Miro support ticket that will be created under your name/email. It would be helpful to us all if you could please update this post as you hear back from support.

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • May 4, 2021

I also updated the title of the post to Cannot move boards to Projects in Safari browser. 

@Robert Johnson - tried with “private browsing”, the problem persists. Thank you for creating the ticket – will try my best to help the support team. 

Hello Everyone, 

FYI, Miro support came back with the following response: 


I'm afraid the dropdown menus don't work in Safari due to a bug on our end. We're very sorry about that! The good news is that the team is already working on a fix for it. We will definitely keep you posted on our progress. Please bear with us!

Also, as a workaround, we suggest that you switch to another browser - Chrome provides the best experience with our service.


I have not tried other browsers yet – instead I am moving boards into different projects using the desktop app. 

All the best, 


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • May 6, 2021

@Murat Mirata - Thanks for the update!

Pinned reply

hello Everyone, 

Miro team has fixed the bug - all works as it should now - also in Safari. 

Many thanks @Robert Johnson for initiating the workflow which generated very quick results. I am impressed. 

All the best, 


Thank you so much all for the quick response deploying already the bug fix to the production environment! :ok_hand_tone1:
