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Rearranging frames on a board



This forum has been super helpful in the past so I’m asking for help with another query!

I was wondering this there is a way 1. to duplicate frames on a board so they appear next to the frame that has been duplicated instead of being added to the end of the frames and 2. if there’s a way I can rearrange the actual order of the frames instead of just reorganising the order in the sidebar?

An activity we run during virtual sessions requires us to work on frames next to each other and I can’t see a simple way of addressing the questions I’ve raised.

Any help would be much appreciated!



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3 replies

Kenneth Ritley

Hi @EFG Jamboards 

I am not sure I entirely understand your first question. Each of my boards has 20-50 frames. When I need a new frame, I just copy one and paste it where I want. They are movable, so I can put them where I want them.

In fact, because I often have a long line of 10 or so frames, I’ll create a blank line of them somewhere, then just copy-and-paste the entire line whenever I need another 10 frames somewhere.

I do use “reorder frames” in the sidebar, but only for the purpose of a “logical/numerical” re-ordering, so that the PDF I create of the board has the frames in the same order (left to right, top to bottom) that I see on the board.

One of these days I do want to write an app to tidy up frames to make them line up nicely in rows and columns.

So . . . maybe with more details I could say more?

Cheers, Ken


Hi @Kenneth Ritley 

Thank you for your message! A bit of background on my first question, we have pre-made templates of boards we use for activities during training webinars we host with different clients. During some activities, a frame needs to be duplicated that a participant has added sticky notes to so the work they have done can be rearranged so when this board is duplicated, it needs to be next to the original frame they worked on. I want to know if there’s a way for a new frame to be automatically added next to the frame it’s been duplicated from, instead of the new frame going to the end of a row of frames.

During this sessions, we only have 15 minutes and 1 person to rearrange these frames for around 12 different people on separate boards so we don’t have time to manually move the frames, relock them etc and I can’t see an easy way of reordering the frames. I’ve tried to reorder them on the frame navigation tab but this only reorders the frames in the navigation pane and doesn’t actually reorder the frames. Is there something I’m missing here as what I’m looking to do is relatively straightforward but Miro doesn’t appear to support this.

Many thanks


Kenneth Ritley

Hi @EFG Jamboards 

That provides a little more help, but not really. You wrote:

“During some activities, a frame needs to be duplicated that a participant has added sticky notes to so the work they have done can be rearranged so when this board is duplicated, it needs to be next to the original frame they worked on. “

If you want to duplicate a frame, why don’t you just select the frame you want to duplicate, press CONTROL-C to copy, then press CONTROL-V to paste. When you do this, the pasted frame will be a duplicate of the frame you copied, and it will appear right next to that frame.

Here I’ve selected a frame and pressed CONTROL-C

And here I put the mouse next to it and press CONTROL-V


OK, in this case the new frame overlapped a tad, but a little repositioning is unavoidable.

Am I missing something?

Cheers, Ken
