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Hi all,

I tried to add a guest to a board: when I select the guest, it tells me that the guest has been already invited at 3 boards and this imply that my company must pay for giving him/her unlimited guest links (my company has a business plan).

in the help pages I don’t find any information on that.

could you please clarify?

thanks in advance 

best regards


@Sara Grilli - The message you are describing sounds like it could be an acquisition/marketing type message, in which case you may not need to do anything. I say this from experience as I, too, have the Business Plan and have been using the Guests feature for years and do not recall any such message. This would also explain why you are not seeing any note of this in the help center article.

It sounds like Miro is just suggesting that, "Hey, you're adding this person to a lot of boards as a Guest. Are you sure you just don't want to pay for a full license for this person?"

For a definitive answer to the intent of (and required actions on) the message you are receiving, I would suggest that you share the exact message via screenshot to the support team by following these instructions:


If you're still receiving the message and can share a screenshot here (while obscuring any PII/confidential/etc. info), perhaps a Mironeer will see it and able to clarify.

And if you don't receive the message again, then it very likely was a one-time "suggestion".

Hi Robert,

thanks for the replay. here the screenshot. Hope this helps.

best regards


@Sara Grilli - Thanks for sharing the screenshot.

I am as confused as you are, as this message is not clear at all.

Have you already reached out to the support team? If not, I will gladly convert your post into a support ticket. 

Hi Robert,

please yes open the ticket.

We have a lot of guests that work on different boards and I need to clarify this point ASAP.

thanks in advance


@Sara Grilli - Ticket submitted!

By the way, now that I am on my laptop, I did a test by adding a non-team member, registered Miro user as a Guest on three boards (no info message displayed).

Then, when I tried to add the same user to fourth board, I received the same message.

I proceeded to add the user to a fifth (and six, and seventh) and the message never appeared again, and an additional licence was not consumed.


Taking a look at the message text again:

This user is already a guest on 3 boards

Inviting this user to the board results in a prorated charge of $16 per month. After this, the user can be invited to unlimited boards as a guest.


This message is confusing and should probably just be removed. I will pass this feedback along to the support team.

thanks a lot Robert!

you are great!

best regards


By the way, I was travelling and finally opened a support ticket to get clarification on this message.

I’m also running into this issue! Please update if you hear back about the ticket.

My current workaround is setting the boards I need guests on to “anyone with the link can edit” and setting a password -- that seems to be working for now. Hope that helps someone else!

Hi all! Following up -- I heard back from Miro support, this was their response:

Hey Emily,
Thank you for reaching out to our Miro Support Team.
I understand you are asking about the limitation of adding a Guest to more than 3 boards.
This is Vache from Billing Support, and I will be happy to help you out and share your feedback.
I would like to clarify that this is currently a running experiment for testing limitations on inviting a specific guest to more than 3 boards. We're using this opportunity to better understand customer preferences and ensure our services align with your needs.
However, the charge mentioned for inviting a Guest beyond the 3-board limit is not an actual charge, and no charge attempts will be made to your card at the moment, you can feel free to add Guests to as many boards as you wish with no limitations, and simply disregarding the charge notification.
Thank you for sharing your feedback with us! It’s incredibly valuable in helping us shape Miro into a tool that truly meets our customers' needs. I’ll make sure to pass your thoughts along to the team working on this.
If there's anything else I can assist you with, please let me know.
Have a great week ahead!

