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Hello, I have been using MIRO for quite a number of years within a university setting and as a result there are many teams with separate accounts. Over the years we have been able to share Miro boards and star them so we get access to the shared board, as I don't need to be a member of another department/team.

However, to the main issue, since the major update that has happened recently I am no longer able to see or access any external boards that have been shared with me that I have starred, which is a huge problem as now I have technically lost a lot of work which we’ve been collaborating on.

I haven’t been able to find a way through the new dashboard to find any external boards, nor found anything relating to this topic online so if any one can help in pointing me in the right direction would be great. 

Thank you kindly

Chris H

Hi @Christopher Hanley,


Thanks for reaching out!


The update to the Recent and Starred boards functionality was made to address security concerns that arose from displaying boards across multiple organizations in the previous UI. With the New UI, these tabs are now limited to showing boards from the organization you are currently part of. While this change was implemented to enhance security, I understand how it may have impacted your workflow.

For easier access, the support team recommends bookmarking frequently used boards in your browser. Additionally, the team is actively working on updating the Help Center with more detailed information about this change.
