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Missing shape and connection lines in odd places

  • 17 September 2020
  • 4 replies

I was creating a flowchart yesterday and it was complete. When I went back to it today there was a shape missing and approximately 6 connecting lines all going to a completely different shape. Has anyone experienced this before?

@jpinnix - I have not noticed this before. You could try looking at the board’s Activity List history to see if it provides any insights:

A few other questions to ask yourself:

  • Does anyone else have access to this board?
  • Could someone have gained access to your Miro account?
  • Is public editing enabled for this board?


I had something similar happen this morning. The Gantt chart I was working on is now missing most of the shapes and some of the text. I checked the Activity and don’t see anything that would have caused it.

I actually exported the Board on Friday afternoon and took a screenshot of the Activity if anyone from Miro support can help.

@jpinnix & @Jennifer Goldberg - If you haven’t already, I would suggest that you Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center ticket.

I did submit a ticket. They are working on restoring the board for me. Thanks for following up.
