Miro documents showing up as "untitled" in Google Drive

  • 25 April 2022
  • 1 reply

I recently installed the Google Drive integration for my GSuite (enterprise) account. I can create Miro docs inside GDrive, but once Miro launches and I change the name of the document in Miro, this is *not* reflected in Google Drive. The name of the document in Google Drive continues to show up as “untitled”. I would have expected the name I gave the board in Miro to be reflected as the name in GDrive. Here’s a quick Loom video of the issue. I hope I’m just missing something:



1 reply

Userlevel 3

Hi @Matthew Oates 👋

Thank you for reporting the issue! 🛠

We’re sorry you’ve run into it but please have no worries - I’ve converted this post into a support ticket and our team will reach out to you shortly via email. Stay tuned! 🙂
