I have prepared a board with many templates for a DT books. The templates include a QR with a link to the template in the board, so the template captures included in the book can be scanned by the readers and get directly the template in the board.
The problem is that the links to the frames in the board have changed. For example this one: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVPmJhGJk=/?moveToWidget=3458764569868142331&cot=14 has been changed to this one: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVPmJhGJk=/?moveToWidget=3458764584257549875&cot=14
As you can see, the numbers of the parameter "moveToWidget" in the link are different from the 8th position: 34587645
This is a main issue for me, as the board include many templates and te book has already been reviewed by the publisher. We could update all the QRs and images, but it would be a huge effort. Nevertheless my main concern is to know why happened this and if it could be repeated in the future.