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Links to frames changed

  • January 4, 2025
  • 1 reply

I have prepared a board with many templates for a DT books. The templates include a QR with a link to the template in the board, so the template captures included in the book can be scanned by the readers and get directly the template in the board.

The problem is that the links to the frames in the board have changed. For example this one: has been changed to this one:

As you can see, the numbers of the parameter "moveToWidget" in the link are different from the 8th position: 34587645

This is a main issue for me, as the board include many templates and te book has already been reviewed by the publisher. We could update all the QRs and images, but it would be a huge effort. Nevertheless my main concern is to know why happened this and if it could be repeated in the future.


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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7262 replies
  • January 4, 2025

@Design Thinking y Acción - Without digging in too deep to your set up, I will say that every item on a Miro board has a unique ID, e.g., as you noted above, one example is: 3458764569868142331.

When you duplicate an object, the new object will have a new ID. The same is true when you duplicate a board – every object on the board will have a new ID.


Suggestion: URL Redirects

Use URL/link redirects. You could use your own domain or a service, e.g.,

With these in place, if your frame links change – or the Miro board altogether, you can simply update the URL redirect destination URL.

For example:

Name Redirect URL Miro board URL (destination)
Template A
Template B


Correcting your current situation

If I am understanding correctly, it sounds like

  • you have a book that has QR codes that link to specific frames on a (single, unique?) Miro board.
  • and some of the frame IDs that you previously captured links to has changed (presumably the old frames were deleted?).

If the old frames were deleted, you could restore them.

However, if restoring the old frames is not an option, you could:

  1. Create all new frames (so that the frames you have linked to with QR codes no longer exist).
  2. Create a Table of Contents/legend frame that links to all frames on the board.
  3. Set the board’s start view to the ToC frame

Now when users use any QR previously generated, they land on the same spot on the Miro board and they can then select the frame/template/book chapter/etc. they are looking for (and extra step, but this avoids updating the book/QR codes).
