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I came from using AWWP, and when I was on AWWP, we were able to make new pages

I’m using Miro for teaching purposes, and It’s hard to put all the pages within one board. 

Is there a way to make multiple pages within the board?

@jh92 - There are no “pages” in Miro - they are called “board”. A Miro board is an infinite digital space. if you need more space to add stuff to your Miro board, just move to blank spot on the board and add stuff.

I would suggest opening up an Miro board and following along with this 1 hour video: 


@jh92 - And if by “page” you are referring to some way to group things into something that looks like a page, you could use frames:


A few other resources to get you start:

I have this same gripe with Miro. The frames solution is pretty clunky for the tutoring context. Why did you merge Awwapp?? You were the best tutoring platform out there. This is a downgrade IMO.

@jh92 As suggested by @Robert Johnson, “Frames” is your best approach and use the Frames sidebar. If you’re looking to run a “PowerPoint-like” experience, then use the Presentation Mode which will scroll through your frames.


Sorry for the question … What is AWWP?

All I can find is the Amazon WordPress Plugin.

What exact is the need and the advantage to use pages @jh92 :

Could you explain in detail what exact you like to get from this and what miro does not offer you or what makes it more easier to use pages than miro


@jh92 As suggested by @Robert Johnson, “Frames” is your best approach and use the Frames sidebar. If you’re looking to run a “PowerPoint-like” experience, then use the Presentation Mode which will scroll through your frames.

Thank you for the suggestions. As a tutor I need to be able to edit each frame live and it doesn’t seem that presentation mode allows this. Often, I don’t know what images and diagrams I will need to upload until the moment the student asks a question.

The frames sidebar is a potential option, but it seems to take up a lot of space on the screen just to switch between each page. Do you know if the student’s view would also follow if I switched to a different frame, or would I need to instruct them to do use the sidebar as well?

Unfortunately Miro seems to just add extra steps that AWWapp ( was already doing much more simply. 

@Paul Johnson & @jh92 :

There are two ways to get the attention of your students so that they will see exactly what you’re showing:

Either by clicking on the buttom of the screen and use 


Or you use the Bring everyone to me function on the right top of the screen


But there is a workaround to add new pages into a board:

Create as many new boards as pages are needed in your Boardview:

Add into each page a “turn page-section graphic-element”

Link this Button with your Pages you created:


The result:



I have been using the AWW app for over a year to create interactive lessons for my students with special needs.  One of the features of AWW I really liked was having multiple pages within one board, so I could direct the student to click over to page 3 etc.  Is this possible within MIRO?  I chose AWW initially because none of the other “simplified” white boards would allow me to upload images as backgrounds for the students to work on.  MIRO is much more complicated, and I’m not sure it’s going to work for me and my students. I’m feeling pretty disappointed.

@cjsdarthvadar :


The answer lies in both former answerd questions:

and here:



Oh my goodness.  This is so much more complicated than the AWW whiteboard app.  I think I will be looking for a new platform to use.  If any of you former AWW app users have suggestions, please share.

Thanks for the reply. This is way too complicated to use to plan multiple lessons for multiple students on a daily basis.  I am really disappointed that AWW is being discontinued.


the easiest way to work is to try it with frames.

If you once worked with it you never will go back to page oriented working:



In you could upload a pdf. Each page of the pdf would appear on a seperate page on the website and could then be annotated over wtih a stylus. The annotation for that page was unique to that page. If I upload a pdf in miro I can move through the pages but any annotation from one page remains when moving to the next.

I too am very dissapointed with miro and if I can find something better will not transfer from awwapp to miro. You can try to sell the single board approach all you want but nobody would want the contents of a book or even of a smaller document strewn across a single board. 



You can extract pdf files ond other files into its seperate pages.

I find this a more userfriedly thing than getting my whole document seperated into its single pages i have choosen.

I often have classes but one document.

One group of the class should care about page 1-5

the other group has their task for the pages 6-11

and the last group should search for some elements in the pages 17 - 22

The PDF file has got 50 pages the other pages will be read in the next online session

But i extract seperately for each group their pages. And I do not need in this online session every single page of the document …

I choose what exactly the number of pages I need - thats it.

So here is described what to do to extract pages:



@jamesm - You could extract your PDF pages and annotate them:


Please keep in mind that Miro is not promoting itself as a document editor/collaboration platform, so if another tool would work better you should definitely keep using it.

@jamesm - You could extract your PDF pages and annotate them:


Please keep in mind that Miro is not promoting itself as a document editor/collaboration platform, so if another tool would work better you should definitely keep using it.

Thanks for the reply if I have a large document how would I navigate to say page 50 of a 100 without having to scroll across and look carefully for the exact page?


Also I would stick with what I had before but unfortunately miro bought awwapp and are phasing it out. 


Also I would stick with what I had before but unfortunately miro bought awwapp and are phasing it out. 

I had never heard of AWW until now and just read about the acquisition in the AWW blog. Hopefully Miro will incorporate some of the AWW features into Miro.

As for extracting a larger document and quickly finding your page, while it isn’t the most elegant, at least there is some logic in the extraction algorithm as it appears to be such that the document is extracted left-to-right at a count of ten.

To test this, I created an eleven page PDF (attached), uploaded it to a Miro board, extracted it, and sure enough pages 1-10 were in the first row and page 11 started on the next row. You would then have to use math to count down/over to find your page as the text in the PDF is not searchable on the board :rolling_eyes:

When I upload a multi-page document, I don't want the annotations I make to be on every page.  Rather, I want to write on one page and then flip to the next page and have it be blank (with just what's on the pdf).  My PDF is loading in multiple pages (if I click it, a toolbar pops up allowing me to move to the next slide) however, whatever I write on one slide is there on the next.  How do I prevent that?

@Katherine Harvey -

The only way to do that will be to extract all the pages from the PDF which can then be laid out horizontally or vertically in your board and the objects added to those pages would be unique to the page they are added to. 


In you could upload a pdf. Each page of the pdf would appear on a seperate page on the website and could then be annotated over wtih a stylus. The annotation for that page was unique to that page. If I upload a pdf in miro I can move through the pages but any annotation from one page remains when moving to the next.

I too am very dissapointed with miro and if I can find something better will not transfer from awwapp to miro. You can try to sell the single board approach all you want but nobody would want the contents of a book or even of a smaller document strewn across a single board. 


Please let me know if you find another company that replicates AWWAPP features. I tried Miro and it’s awful. I need a site that will allow multiple pages & ability to upload PDF to multiple pages

@Robert Johnson & @Isman Tanuri :

So bad it hurts - but the feature here everyone else is longing for is a big step forward and would be so cool to have.

I tried it to get the feeling of @jh92 & @Paul Johnson & @Manpreet Sambhi  & @cjsdarthvadar & @jamesm :

We never used it but as I saw it I can imagine how cool this would be to have it:


Just look onto the right bottom site … it shows something fascinating and makes clear what we’re missing:

An automatic framesetting when it comes to adding of an document:


This would be a timesaver!

Created a Wish out of this - so please vote for it:



@mlanders I am glad you see the value in what awwapp had but I would ammend the idea/wish to adding pages in general.

In awwapp we could do more than this. We could add snipets of pdfs images powerpoints etc, each onto a seperate page. The annotation for each page would remain with the page it was added to. 

Simply put it is a half way solution to what miro currently has and still lacks many of the advantages of pages. 

@mlanders I am glad you see the value in what awwapp had but I would ammend the idea/wish to adding pages in general.

In awwapp we could do more than this. We could add snipets of pdfs images powerpoints etc, each onto a seperate page. The annotation for each page would remain with the page it was added to. 

Simply put it is a half way solution to what miro currently has and still lacks many of the advantages of pages. 

I created a wish for new pages. seperate pages/new pages/unique pages | Miro


Oh my goodness.  This is so much more complicated than the AWW whiteboard app.  I think I will be looking for a new platform to use.  If any of you former AWW app users have suggestions, please share.

Scribblar is the closest I’ve found. Still missing several of AWWapp’s best features but works better than Miro for my purposes.

Oh my goodness.  This is so much more complicated than the AWW whiteboard app.  I think I will be looking for a new platform to use.  If any of you former AWW app users have suggestions, please share.

Scribblar is the closest I’ve found. Still missing several of AWWapp’s best features but works better than Miro for my purposes.

Thanks for this Paul. I agree it lacks a bit compared to awwaapp but at least it has seperate pages. The lack of infinite space compared to awwapp is slightly made up for by being able to insert pages inbetween. 
