
  • 29 February 2024
  • 2 replies

Dear friends!

I am a school teacher and recently something went wrong with my boards. My students cannot see what I write inside the frame, when I can see, what they write. What could be the reason of such problem?

Thank you in advance for the reply!

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Darya Matsesha - I have never heard of or seen this issue before. How are your students accessing your boards? Are they members of your team or are they accessing the boards as Visitors, i.e., you have set the boards’ public access to “Anyone with the link → Can edit/comment/view”?

To see what others should be seeing, you could set a board’s public access to “Anyone with the link → Can edit”, and then copy the board link and open it in an incognito/private browser window.

@Robert Johnson, thank you very much for the advice! I will try to fix the problem in the way, that you  described. 


Best regards,

Darya Matsesha
