A while ago, I wanted to clean up an unnecessary board in my miro, it was in one of the teams that I had created, there were some people there who joined and created their boards as well in that team. I accidentally deleted the team and the boards in it (including my friend's board) were also deleted.
I want to restore it back to the way it was, but I feel that my account when logging in miro has a lot of errors and bugs, I can't do anything.
When I open my profile from dashboard, this appears:

On the dashboard, in my own team, it said I'm not a member, I can't do anything, I can't create boards. I also can’t add more team cuz its paid, idk what do

when I want to see what I've deleted before (including teams, and boards), I only find a screen with endless loading components, nothing appears.

also when I want to go to the team settings, the error occurs again the same as when going to the account profile from the dashboard: