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How to roll up branch in Mind Map

  • September 8, 2021
  • 2 replies

Sometimes some branch have so many information that it’s very useful to roll down it by clicking like it implements in Mindmeister service. This function available in Miro ?

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • September 8, 2021

@kir n - This is not currently possible, but at least 430 people would like the feature - please add your vote to the following Wish List Idea post:

Collapsible branches on the mind maps

MIRO please… take a look at why this functionality is ESSENTIAL: 

Notice that I’m explaining concepts with a single focus at a time. This collapse feature is an absolute MUST HAVE. MindMeister does a great job at this: please see how they’ve done it and add this MUST HAVE feature. Thank you in advance. You want to own the market for online whiteboarding… you’ve got to grapple with the MUST HAVE’s for mindmap communities to win the game. please and thank you :)