Hi there having issues and getting an error when copying and pasting a google spreadsheeht. "Sorry, it seems that you don't have rights to upload this file or the file was deleted. Please check access right and try again". I have allowed google docs and miro integration. I've found a page on miro with possible issues and how to resolve it and it's asking me to login to google admin account. I can't use my own gmaiil account for it so I'm not sure how to go about it, can you help?
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I don’t know if this can help you or not, but I was curious so I tried something out.
If I try to cut-and-paste a URL to a Google Doc into Miro, I get the same UGLY message as you, which actually is a black-eye for Miro because the English is atrocious.
But if I use the upload functionality on the left-hand menu, then I can select the file and upload it.
NOTE: I only tried with a file that I shared publically.
Good luck!
PS. Dear Miro, if you are reading this, your error message could use a bit of improvement! “...have being...” → “has been” But it shows we are all human. :-)
Hey Kenneth, appreciate taking the time to try it out, that has indeed worked for me. The slightly annoying thing is that when using the left functionality it takes the user to their google drive and all the folders appear at the top of the search whereas documents are all the way to the bottom. Easy enough if the user knows the exact name of the file they’re searching for but for me that’s not the case most of the times. I tried with files that are not shared to the web and it seems to have also worked.
Thanks for your help
HI @Pilo Adami Yes, I noticed that too. I guess what was surprising for me is that my Google drive was instantly shown without me having to enter my credentials or approve . . . but my guess is that I did in fact do that sometime in the past, so now Miro has permission.