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After the recent Miro update to adding Alt Tags to images, the images no longer display their filenames. We use miro often to work with many images and use the filenames for search/reference in other apps and documentation.

Is there an option somewhere to display the filename or was this feature removed? 

@Pato Man - I noticed the change this morning. No, there does appear to be a way to bring the filename back yourself - note: I updated the title of this post to indicate this is feedback for Miro.



However, you should still be able to search for it:


Yes, but we heavily rely on the context bar showing the file name for identification in our work sessions. Is there no way to get the file name back? It’s an extra step for us to have to click on alt each time.

Bring the file names back ASAP

I agree. I used this quite often to check if an image was a .png or .svg.

This is a major problem for our company to not be able to see the filenames.   We build all of our visual outlines in Miro before turning them into PDF reports and the removal of that feature will put us back weeks on existing projects (since we’ll now have to manually scroll through our image database to find the images we’ve need) and will require us to stop using Miro on all new projects going forward.   Feels exceptionally disappointing. 

It is great that Miro is taking steps to be more inclusive with the Alt option however not having the file name visible is a huge problem for our workflow and use of Miro. We work on very large mood boards with 100s of images and it is imperative that we can quickly and efficiently see the name of the file and be able to reference the designer / creator / artist, etc. This could become a serious problem for us going forwards.

Hi @Pato Man , @Steph B.@Robert Johnson@Vinigor@Matthew Whiting@Tien@Elise O'Connell, thank you all for the feedback on the importance of image filenames.

The team is currently working on making filenames available from the info tab, accessible via the three dots menu. I’ll ping the thread once this is live. In the meantime, please be aware that you can search for images either via filename or alt-text via board search (cmd + F).

For context, Alt-text was added to aid accessibility of images for screen readers, enabling visually impaired users to collaborate with images in Miro.

cc: @David Grabner 


-- moderator note --

Here’s a tip noted by @Fanny Chow:

For an ALTernate way to see the image name, switch from select to pan mode using the V or hotkey and then click/tap on the image.

You’ll see my cursor change from a pointer to a hand (pan mode) when I press the V key:

Commenting so I can be aware of ping update!


please bring the file name back if you click on an image!!


Hi. Its great that you are considering adding the image filename back, but your solution is going to require 3 clicks to get to the filename info, which is 2 more than what it used to be.

We rely heavily on image names being quickly accessible, and even your solution is a big deal breaker for us..

Please bring the filename back like it was, or in a separate bar.. just don’t hide it in a menu somewhere.

thanks for the update but i think the importance of the two items are reversed or we should have both visible in the toolbar. An option to display what the user wants in the toolbar would be even better

Hi, we really need to see the file name when you click on the image...clicking on two extra things (3 dots, info) will really slow up our working process. We reference file names in presentation and to have to go through 3 clicks to see the name is not workable. We need to see it instantly as before in order for it to work for us.


Please bring it back!

So many people have already said what I am thinking. --- This tool becomes much less useful if I can’t see what the placed file name is.. Especially when I'm placing rounds of similar graphics in the board for review. I would really appreciate both options.. Not one or the other. 

What everyone else already said x1,000.

To add on, you can already re-expose the file name by initiating a download of the image so adding the filename behind the 3 ellipses would be redundant anyway.  It was REALLY useful to search for an image file locally by selecting its name in miro, please bring back. At least (or additionally?) auto add it as the first line in the ALT field.

i agree with what everyone else already said too! this new update slows down our workflow TREMENDOUSLY.
if possible, it would be amazing to have the file name as well as the ALT tab so that it’s still accessible but readily available for quick viewing without adding extra steps.

Please bring back the files names! This update is affecting our workflow tremendously. Thank you!

Agree with everyone else! Adding the file name to the section with the three dots will not be helpful!

Our teammates found a trick to get around with this for now - use the hand tool instead of the arrow select tool
Use the hotkey (H) instead of spacebar then click on the image
It shows file name and a download button
Hope this helps

Our teammates found a trick to get around with this for now - use the hand tool instead of the arrow select tool
Use the hotkey (H) instead of spacebar then click on the image
It shows file name and a download button
Hope this helps

This is great, thanks for posting! You can use “V” as a hot key too, looks like both just toggle between the Arrow and the Hand.

Maybe @Miro could also make the spacebar temporary toggle work in both directions, so whichever tool you are on, spacebar switches to the other while pressed instead of only from Arrow to Hand.

Our teammates found a trick to get around with this for now - use the hand tool instead of the arrow select tool
Use the hotkey (H) instead of spacebar then click on the image
It shows file name and a download button
Hope this helps

Helpful for sure. thanks!

Using H then the hand tool still makes me click on ALT to see the file name...and it means I have to switch back and forth between the arrow and hand tool while presenting. Or maybe I’m not doing it right?


Please bring back the single click to see file name. It is extremely important to our process.

Please advise...the team is getting distressed over this as it slows up our work having to click several times to get the name.

Can the developers please bring back the file names. I also rely a lot on it for efficient workflow. Now it’s another few seconds times 1000 clicks a day.
Very frustrating Please bring it back.

@Vallahalla we are all asking for same the functionality you wrote about to be put back. We all need the single click to see file name. Adding you to this chain! 

Here’s the tip noted by @Fanny Chow:

To see the image name, switch from select to pan mode using the V or hotkey and then click/tap on the image.

You’ll see my cursor change from a pointer to a hand (pan mode) when I press the V key:
