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   I am creating an organizational chart. I used the ‘Org Chart’ found on the toolbar. There is a box on an arm that I need to be larger (yellow box in image) to have all the text visible. It takes the text but it only shows the clipped text (red box in image).  How do I enlarge the box?




I need to do the same, and have the same question. Surely there’s editing possible within this template to change the size of a box?!

was this ever solved? as with most of the miro tools i find it initially super cool then i cant quite get it to work how i need it for my company / boss and i have to abandon it.

Hi all, 

I got the same results in a test board. I believe this is expected behavior, and not a bug. These templates are designed to follow a two-line format (Name + short description), so adding too much text more breaks the template. This is not an ideal answer.

I’d recommend adding this as an Idea in the Wish List category by following the guidelines here: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know.

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thanks for the quick reply at least. will find some time to add to the wish list. what we really need is just a way to build the great org chart blocks (with the sticky lines which saves so much time) but be able to just add our own text in them - seems a simple solution! cant find anything online that does this, they all get you stuck in a template which doesnt allow you to add more data (this is for a product org structure)
