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I am working on a single page ‘canvas’ not unlike the business model canvas. I am looking to print at approximately an A2 size, which is four A4 sheets: 


I recognize that in the case of Miro, A4 is not a print size but rather an aspect ratio. Font sizes, though, are absolute as far as I know, meaning that the frame would expand and contract, but the font sizes would remain the same. At the moment I’m looking at something roughly 85 pt font for the main title, 36 pt for subheadings, 24 pt for body text. 

How can I build a poster in Miro ensuring the print quality will be high when I export? I am assuming I would need to export to PDF using ‘best quality’ for one, but I am concerned that the frames will automatically fit to letter rather than A2, for one. As a secondary concern, as I am building this, I want to make sure that my resolution is roughly correct - for example any images I copy in would need to roughly appropriate in size, otherwise upon increasing they’ll get blurry. 

At the moment my plan is to guesstimate based on the size of font used. Is there an easier way? 


Hi @Grytl 

Thanks for asking this question! We’ve converted your post into a ticket because this particular case requires detail explanation. Rest assured soon you will be approached by Customer Support Department!

Hello, I am interested to receive an answer to similar issue I am having. In my case I am trying to create a booklet and export A3 pages which is A4 doubled, and would love to have understanding how to make sure I am working with correct sizes not ratios. As for now my pages seem to be in correct ration but being exported in wrong sizes, and I have no control of fonts and placed images.

I am also interested in this after a failed attempt to print large format

When I created a portrait A4 frame by just clicking (no dragging) and then exported it as a PDF, it ended up with the correct dimensions (210 x 297 mm). However, when I made a landscape frame twice as big and exported it, it ended up as 334 x 236 mm. So no cigar so far.



Hello - I have a similar issue I will need some help with. Can someone from the support team please reach out?

For anyone interested in creating custom-sized frames, the instructions are available in this topic: Create frame with custom size linked to real world physical print?

Hi all, does anyone have a solution to this problem? 
