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Connection lines keep moving

When I create a connecting line between two shapes and try and move the dog leg line, on saving it snaps back to the default location. How can I stop this happening so when the document saves the lines actually resemble what I was trying to draw…. it’s absolutely infuriating!

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7276 replies
  • October 4, 2021

@Lee Harrison Mellor -Have you had a read through the Connection Lines Help Center article?

Perhaps you can share a video of the unexpected behaviour? Loom is free and and quite easy to use.

I have this problem too. There isn’t much to show in a video. When you leave the board and come back some connection lines are no longer following the path where they were set. The connections are the same but the path between them usually seems to have moved to the shortest path between the items being connected. On a complex diagram it can cause it to be unreadable.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • March 18, 2022

I had this same issue. I spaced everything out, and the lines stopped snapping to weird positions on refresh. This seems to be an issue with the proximity of the lines to each other.

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • July 19, 2023

Same problem for me. I want to wireframe a chart. I’m using connection lines for the axes and simulated line graph. Once drawn, it’s near impossible to drag around while keeping the shape.

Brandon Lee
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 103 replies
  • September 14, 2023

There is a Major Bug with Connection Lines @Boris Libeert where when added they cannot be Copied (Ctrl + C & Ctrl +v) Duplicated (Alt + Drag or Alt + Arrow or Duplicate Menu Command). What will happen is the Copied Line will flash and disappear. However, if you are quick enough and can Drag the End Connector and Snap it to an Object the Line appears and stays. Also, when Panning and Zooming it looks as if there a hundreds of Lines in Cached that are not displaying on the Board. I fear that when Miro Updates next there will be a million Connection Lines orphaned in space.

I also found if there are any Lines within a Group Selection it will cause the Copy/Duplicate Command from executing.

Cc: @Robert Johnson 

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7276 replies
  • September 14, 2023

@Brandon Lee - I was able to do the following on Windows 11 in Chrome and the Miro desktop app.

In the GIF, I did Ctrl-C/V, then Ctrl-D, and then Alt-arrows.


The steps I am taking above may work find for you, too, as your scenario/conditions are likely different than mine. So, I think it will help if you could record a video (e.g., Loom, YouTube) and walk the Community through your steps and your setup (OS, browser, desktop app, versions, etc.).

Maybe something you share in your steps will provide further insight.  Feel free to post the video here (Loom and YouTube will embed nicely, or like to a video in Google Drive, OneDrive, etc.) and I will convert your reply into a support ticket.

@Brandon Lee I have informed the product manager for lines about this.


Yeah, I would love to just see a “shape” that is a line with ability to move it around without snapping to things, but still be able to select some features of dotted/dashed/etc. The snapping, whether intentional or not, is very frustrating when moving lines around. I was creating a comparison table and using them to try to create columns and every time I added a row and moved them, they would snap or suddenly angle for no apparent reason. I finally just used the rectangle shape to create a fat line, since it will not go super thin, so ended up sacrificing some design aesthetics, just to not deal with them. 

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7276 replies
  • July 8, 2024

@Wade Wilson - While still nowhere near ideal, you can stop the snapping by holding Ctrl/Cmd while dragging the line to/over objects.

@Robert Johnson Thanks, Robert. Yeah, I usually do that while drawing them. Unfortunately, whenever you move them after you initially draw them, the issue happens again, especially if attempting to group them...only worse haha. Just hoping this is a feature they can add with the next update or something. Obviously, I don’t expect this to be a full design software or anything, but this one seems pretty basic and important. Appreciate the response! 
