I am a freelance consultant who teaches management skills for a large public sector organisation. I was using google jamboard a lot for simple and easy-to-use online collaboration in zoom sessions. But it is closing down on October 1. Can anyone tell me whether or which plan to use in Miro to do a few simple things I did in Jamboard
My requirements are
1. Easy access for visitors with a link (without signing up for the platform) to view and edit
2. Easy-to-use sticky notes for brainstorming and other activities
3. Able to create a number of boards and quickly move between them
4. Able to create custom templates with various graphics on specific boards
I need to create my own templates, then invite people to post sticky notes onto the boards. These people need to get access via a simple link, not join miro or be part of the same organisation. Is there a miro plan that does this for me. I am new to Miro but cant seem to get the right answer in the help sections.
1. Easy access for visitors with a link (without signing up for the platform) to view and edit
The Starter Plan supports the Visitors feature. Since you don’t want users to have to sign up, then you would not benefit from the Business Plan which supports the Guest feature – compare the two features here:
2. Easy-to-use sticky notes for brainstorming and other activities
All plans do this.
3. Able to create a number of boards and quickly move between them
With the exception of the Free Plan, all plans support unlimited boards. And with the new Spaces feature, you can switch between boards even faster now. More on Spaces:
1. Easy access for visitors with a link (without signing up for the platform) to view and edit
The Starter Plan supports the Visitors feature. Since you don’t want users to have to sign up, then you would not benefit from the Business Plan which supports the Guest feature – compare the two features here:
2. Easy-to-use sticky notes for brainstorming and other activities
All plans do this.
3. Able to create a number of boards and quickly move between them
With the exception of the Free Plan, all plans support unlimited boards. And with the new Spaces feature, you can switch between boards even faster now. More on Spaces:
1. Easy access for visitors with a link (without signing up for the platform) to view and edit
The Starter Plan supports the Visitors feature. Since you don’t want users to have to sign up, then you would not benefit from the Business Plan which supports the Guest feature – compare the two features here:
2. Easy-to-use sticky notes for brainstorming and other activities
All plans do this.
3. Able to create a number of boards and quickly move between them
With the exception of the Free Plan, all plans support unlimited boards. And with the new Spaces feature, you can switch between boards even faster now. More on Spaces: