Changing access rights to a board

  • 15 November 2023
  • 2 replies

I have right access to a board but there are times I want to go in with just read-only so I don’t change it. How do I toggle my access mode.

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Frank Novak - This is not currently possible. As the board owner, you can and will always have editing rights.

There is a Wish List idea post requesting the functionality that you are describing. I suggest that you add your vote:


There’s no way of going about this just yet but I share the desire for such feature. In the meantime, I might suggest any of these:

  • Exporting the board to PDF & viewing the contents there
  • Using a secondary account with only the “Can View” access permission
  • Being extra careful with your mouse when panning around the board 🤠
