
Can you video chat/screen share with guests who aren't users?

  • 10 June 2020
  • 2 replies

I’m trying to find my way around Miro to analyse if this is a good tool to adopt for real-time remote presentations to clients. In this case, can I create my workshop board and share the link with the client so they can view only that board? And if they can, will they be able to access video/screenshare option so I can conduct the workshop live online without being one of my team members/users?


Best answer by Isman Tanuri 10 June 2020, 09:03

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Userlevel 7
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"can I create my workshop board and share the link with the client so they can view only that board?"

← Yes, you can as long as you have a paid Miro account and share the link to the board to your guests. You can use the Screensharing or Presentation feature if you do not need them to interact/engage with your board.

"will they be able to access video/screenshare option so I can conduct the workshop live online without being one of my team members/users?"

← Yes, that's possible. They will see what you intend to show being being a team member. However, if you're already using another video conferencing platform, then I would assume it's easier for you to just share your Miro screen on that platform.


Hey Isman, thanks for the response! 
