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Pretty much the title. This article makes it sound like they cannot see all the boards for your company:

Hi @Alex Saad,

Right! The Team Admin can’t see private board created by other team members unless they are shared with the team or with the Team Admin directly.  

Hi @Marina - I’m glad I found this question. As the Company Admin licence holder for my organisation (we are on the Business Plan), it makes it labour intensive trying to trace licence use and users to boards that I cannot see. I have to reconcile every month and on-charge multiple business units and I’m having to email or call people to find out what boards they’re associated with.

And if Editors accidentally invite others to edit on a Day Pass then I’m getting notifications for it but no idea what board(s) they are accessing unless I contact them. I’m in an organisation of 4k people so this chasing will become a full time job if I'm not careful!

Can you guys change this to let Admins at least view the full list of boards and projects in their account? I don’t see the point of being an admin if I can’t see what my organisation is doing, or help them to manage licence costs easily. 

any news on this 2 year old item Company Admin not seeing all boards?

Bump this up as well. When the CEO is asking for help and you need them to grant you permissions as a team and enterprise admin :( 

Add the feature to be able to ‘take control of a board’ and add a note in to the board history of who did what… shouldn’t be a 3 year fix. Thanks

i am a company admin

how can i restore deleted board

i do not see it in Trash

i am a company admin

how can i restore deleted board

i do not see it in Trash

@vivek.p2015 - If you are the Company Admin of an Enterprise Plan subscription, if you enable the Extend Content Admin permissions, then you should be able to restore the board from the Trash. More on this here:


If you are a Company Admin of a Consultant or Business Plan, then only the board owner can restore the board from the Trash. You would first need to delete the owner from the team and plan, and take ownership of their content.

Am I right that there was a function that allowed you to “override” the ownership of the board and open them as admin without being invited? I am going crazy but I think I remember something like this.

Am I right that there was a function that allowed you to “override” the ownership of the board and open them as admin without being invited? I am going crazy but I think I remember something like this.

The only scenario where is currently possible for someone other than the board owner to transfer ownership to themselves or another user is when the following conditions are true:

  1. You have an Enterprise Plan subscription
  2. You are a Company Admin with Content Admin permissions enabled.

More on this here →

Am I right that there was a function that allowed you to “override” the ownership of the board and open them as admin without being invited? I am going crazy but I think I remember something like this.

The only scenario where is currently possible for someone other than the board owner to transfer ownership to themselves or another user is when the following conditions are true:

  1. You have an Enterprise Plan subscription
  2. You are a Company Admin with Content Admin permissions enabled.

More on this here →

Thanks for the reply, I thought in the past there was an additional button on this dialog where you could look into the board without transfering ownership. 



@Robin Meyer - I never seen such an action or even heard of it until now, but that's not to say it didn't (briefly) exist at some point in time, e.g., an experimental feature. 
