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I’m testing out the "Opportunity Solution Tree", which seems to work perfectly for my use case.

HOWEVER, I’d like to have borders around the different opportunities, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to add a border. 

See screenshots.



@jonmrich - The Opportunity Solution Tree template using a mind map which does not current offer borders on child nodes. Probably your easiest workaround would be to add a rectangle shape around a node - the rounded rectangle would look nice :)

If you would like see border as a feature, I’d recommend adding this as an Idea in the Wish List category by following the guidelines here: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know.

If you do create a Wish List Idea post, I would also recommend that you post a link to it back here, so that future readers of this post can quickly get to and vote for your Idea.

Is there another template that behaves similarly? I’m looking for something where I add new “nodes” and Miro automatically moves everything so that the new boxes will “fit” in the structure.

@jonmrich - You could try using the Kanban framework.

In this example, I added an additional swimlane for the Experiments, and columns for Solutions. I also used the rectangle shape as solution headers.

Not ideal, but it does let you move the Cards around quite easily. In addition, the cards are far more robust than mind map nodes (can add due dates, start dates, status, assignee, can open and add more details, etc.).

