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Hi everybody, 

I restored a board with a backup file. I have the problem just now that it shows me as a creator of all sticky notes although other guys of the team created content. It happens exactly the same if I duplicate a board. 

It´s really important for me, that I get the information who created the content. 

Does someone know how to set it up to avoid this issue? 


Best regards, 



I don’t know so am speculating that th eexport doesn’t scrap te data you want (Who’d a thought it but the export is a binary file and not a json/xml etc !)

The REST -API lists methods to do stuff like ‘get widget’ 

a widget’s data includes

more detail at

you probably need to post to the developer community - a dump-everything to spreadsheet might be on a future todo list but i’m miles from it at present!

I got a reply from the Miro team: 

“Thanks for reaching out!

Although we haven't had a chance to implement the saving of the metadata in backup files yet, it certainly sounds like a great addition to our product. I can see how much value it could bring to our service and all of our users.

To this end, I've passed your request along to our Product team so they consider it as a functionality improvement. …”

so my question is answered for now. Thanks for your support everybody. 

Best regards, 


