Show or hide frames for part of the team

For security reasons, we only share informations with specific team. We have lots of boards and lots of teams so it’s hard to organize.:head_bandage: 

:bulb: Please allow to show or hide frames only for part of the team. So we’ll be better organized.

Actually, it’s possible to hide frames it’s for everyone or nobody. (not for a specific team)
A near feature exist, so this can't be too hard to implement. What do you think?

We have the same problem. We use boards with clients and sometimes there is content on the board that shouldn't be shown to everyone, but should be shown to certain people. And they are all on the board at the same time.

This is our most wished feature. We have an internal production board and a second one for communicating with the client for each project. It’s a bit annoying to synchronize the two boards. It would be much easier to share the board with the client, and the client sees only certain areas or frames of the board.

This would be amazing! I have a board where my team can view and edit my work, but I want to have a frame where I can leave my notes/stickies/ideas without the rest of the team seeing them. I’d like to keep my notes in the same board where I’m doing this work instead of creating a separate private board. So there would be two use cases here, including what Dirk, Vesa, and Julien said:

  1. Allow frames to be hidden to everyone except for the board owner 
  2. Allow frames to be hidden to specific people or groups of people