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I would like to be able to add frames that can be nested in larger frames, so that I can move the larger frame around with the smaller frames inside. This will help collaboration where we’re running multiple studies for multiple teams and frames serve as the Table of Contents. 


It is to me strange that not everyone is asking for this.

@Rachel Fleming @ChrisK @Bengt Ellison :

The answer is simple: This wish still exists. It is a Part of this wish:

@Marina could this be implemented?


@mlanders I’m not sure I totally agree with you. The layer functionality asked for is soo much more. This feature is pretty straight forward. 

but in general attaching something to something else in miro is a nightmare (grouping manually is needed) I’m coming from using Lucidchart and M$ Whiteboard and there is soo many features that is missing. Attaching handwriting to something Allow drawing on sticky notes | Miro and icon text without grouping. Starting to get frustrating. 

This is more important than it might seem. Nested frames gives us not only a visual way of having sub-groups, they give us a SEMANTIC way of grouping things, other than stand-alone frames. 

Currently, if you have content in a frame and you want to group items within it, you have to group them (which leaves no visual mark and so it is only a help for manipulation), or put them inside a shape like a rectangle, which does not have a semantic link, only visual, so it cannot be manipulated easily, or exported. 

Basically, just allow any nested frame to be moved/exported/manipulated as part of the parent frame, and problem solved. I imagine there are more technical difficulties, but at a high level, that’s all we need.  

This one is a big deal Miro! Please implement it. 

Trivial Feature. Wonder why it is not there yet. The hierarchy should be visible in the frame navigation.

One word: composition

Figma’s version of this kind of workflow has it… Unfortunately we use Miro as a firm so I can’t just get 200+ people to swtich for 1 feature, but I use it when I know I’m the only one going to see it for this reason. Many of us use frames as a way to group but still easily edit things and move them. not sure why this doesn’t exist yet.

I also am very surprised that this doesn’t exist yet. If we’ve got a frame, which as it’s core encapsulates a set of objects and forms a little hierarchy, it seems logical/natural that frames themselves would also be an object that could be encapsulated and added to a hierarchy.

Not having this means I end up having to awkwardly manipulate outer frames with inner frames (and their contents), and grouping is not even remotely good enough, as it locks things in place, meaning I’m having to regularly ungroup to just make simple edits.

I need to represent sub-components of systems regularly, and not allowing nested frames mean that my diagram is either overly heavy on the inner object naming conventions, or overly simplified to the detriment of the people looking at my diagrams.

Yes, similar to sections that Figma created. This will help with board organisation. 

any eta  ? 


I have a hard time as i cant move the parent ? child stays still and i dont want to group them and add multiple clicks to my work flows each time .


GPT output

To address your concern about parent-child frames in Miro, it's important to note that while Miro doesn't have a native parent-child relationship feature for frames, you can achieve a similar organizational structure by nesting frames within each other.

Here's a workaround to simulate parent-child frames in Miro:

1. **Create Parent Frame**: Start by creating a main or parent frame on your board.

2. **Insert Child Frame**: Within the parent frame, create another frame. This frame will act as the child frame.

3. **Arrange Content**: Place your content, objects, or other frames inside the child frame.

4. **Move Parent Frame**: When you move the parent frame, the child frame and its contents will move along with it, effectively mimicking a parent-child relationship.

While this method doesn't establish a formal parent-child relationship, it allows you to visually organize frames within each other and move them together as a group.

Additionally, since you've registered for the Miro community forum discussion on this topic, you can engage with other users to share insights and possibly discover alternative solutions or workarounds that others have found effective.

If you need further assistance or clarification on any aspect of this workaround, feel free to ask!


That would be great to build deep control flow charts. Sometimes you need to document legacy code where even a single function have many complex steps. But then there’s a complex chain of such functions you need to visualise. Nested frames would be a great tool for such cases.

@Rifat Erdem Sahin Does this actually work for you?  Unless I group the frames, they don’t move together.

@Rifat Erdem Sahin Does this actually work for you?  Unless I group the frames, they don’t move together.

For me sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t. And when it doesn’t I don't know how to fix it

@Rifat Erdem Sahin Does this actually work for you?  Unless I group the frames, they don’t move together.

For me sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t. And when it doesn’t I don't know how to fix it


I take it back, I checked, it doesn’t work I just haven’t noticed because i haven’t tried to move frames around. Now that I tried, it doesn’t work. Period. Makes me think about going back to Figjam. 

Hi all, 


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment about this feature and offer insightful feedback.

Our team is reviewing this idea as it continues to be open for votes and comments. For those coming across this idea, if you feel this would be helpful for you or your business, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request.