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Miroverse Monster Template Challenge!

Miroverse Monster Template Challenge!
McCall Turner

July’s Miroverse Challenge: Monster Template! (DATE EXTENDED!)


It’s been an exciting few months at Miro with the release of our monster-sized national ad campaign! We created this ad to show the power of Miro and how easy it is to collaborate, innovate, and solve problems of any size, together in Miro. πŸ™Œ


If you haven’t had a chance to see the ad on the big screen (cough living room), across social media, or a billboard towering the city, you can check out the full ad here: Want to see how we used Miro to create the ad? Check out this video


This summer, we are introducing a new type of creative #Miroverse template challenge. We won’t be focusing on just one Miro use case or template type β€” instead, we want to see your creativity run wild and create ANY type of template / board that features our beloved (yet a little bit scary) character. Yes, we mean it! Any type of template from icebreakers to project planning goes as long as the Monster is incorporated. 


Ready, set, create! We look forward to seeing all the amazing boards that you create in Miro 😍


πŸ”— Use this Miro board to find the Monster assets


More Challenge Details πŸ“

⏰ Timing

  • Submission period: June 30 - Aug 30
  • Voting and judging: Sept 1-5
  • Winners announced: Sept 8 

βœ… Voting and judging

Miro Team’s Choice will be awarded by our panel of expert judges. Submissions will be judged on their ease of use, layout, and that special fun factor.

People’s Choice will be awarded based on top likes under the comment here in the online community. Make sure to vote for your favorite template by Aug 5th! 


πŸ† Prizes 

Miro team’s Choice - iPad and an Apple Pencil

People’s Choice - AirPods 



🀩 How to participate 

To enter, please add a comment to this thread with the following details:

  • Your full name

  • Role and company

  • Miro board embedded with your template (with view access)

  • Instructions on how to use the template

  • Optional: 1–3 minute video overview of your template


πŸ€” How to embed a board:

It’s easy! All you need to do is to choose Embed media under the three-dots menu and paste the Miro board URL.


:bulb: Make sure to check your board’s Start view as it defines which part of the board will be first shown in the embed. You can set the start view by right-clicking on blank space on the board and choosing the corresponding option.


✍️ Entry requirements & design resources

  • Each template has to feature the Miro Monster. You can either copy it from this board, or create your own version of it if you’re into sketching/illustration.

  • All topics & ideas are welcome, but the judges will prioritize boards where the author found the most witty/creative way to incorporate the Miro Monster.

  • Your template must be in English, and have been created and designed using Miro

  • Your template must be newly created or not published on Miroverse earlier

  • All information must belong to you, the board owner (We will reject all submissions containing copyright-protected content on board.)

  • Your template must be submitted to Miroverse before the challenge deadline.


πŸ‘€ Judges

McCall Turner: Miro Social Community Manager

Christina Ta, Miro Brand Designer

Colleen Curtis: Miro Head of Community 


Happy collaborating, and good luck! πŸ‘

Was it helpful?

26 replies

Henrik StΓ₯hl

Hey @McCall Turner and @Helena Brandist! When opening the Miroverse Monster Template Challenge board, it says that I’m a visitor with view-only access β€” which means I can’t download or even copy the assets. πŸ˜…

Is this intended?

Helena Brandist

Hey @Henrik StΓ₯hl thanks for letting us know! Can you please let me know if it is working now? πŸ˜Š

Henrik StΓ₯hl

Hey @Helena Brandist! I can copy the assets now, but I can’t paste them to my own board:

And they aren’t downloadable:

Helena Brandist

Fixed @Henrik StΓ₯hl πŸ˜Ž

Henrik StΓ₯hl

Woop woop, thanks @Helena Brandist! πŸ’ƒ


Hello πŸ˜Š

Awfully quiet in here! I’ll kick off with my submission πŸ’ͺ
Everyone has the potential to be a great facilitator if you just harness the right skills in you. The template I created, β€œMonstrous facilitation superpowers”, allows you to create a portrait of who you are as a facilitator and describe your style.

  • Your full name: Martina Bonetti

  • Role and company: User Experience designer @Emakina NL

  • Miro board:


  • Instructions on how to use the template:

    The facilitation should setup the board so that every participant has a personal working space.

    To run the exercise everyone should:

    1. Write their name on one of the empty frames
    2. Use the character toolkit elements to create their facilitator portrait, by copying and pasting their chosen elements in their individual boards
    3. Firstly, pick one of the two monster characters and copy-paste it in the personal space. Then customise it with the emoji set by copy-pasting them -no need to resize!
    4. Individually, write down in the section "you" what knowledge you already own, what skills you have in your toolkit and what personality traits are fundamental to you as a facilitator. These are your superpowers.
    5. Then, think of what bad habits or personality traits are preventing you from being an effective facilitator. These are things you should actively try to stir from.
    6. Often we're very biased towards ourselves. So in the last step, look through everyone else's portraits and notes and add more information in the other participants' profiles. This will help them see what other superpowers they have and they were not aware of.
    7. Take some time to look at your profile and discuss. Are there any surprises? What is your confidence level after the exercise?

Helena Brandist

Yay to the first submission 😍 And i absolutely love your template @MartinaBonetti  πŸ˜€

Henrik StΓ₯hl

Hey everyone!

Here’s another submission: Under the Miroscope – a Miro Monster Game! It’s a pretty simple template that can be used as an icebreaker or team building activity, for example.

  • Your full name: Henrik StΓ₯hl.

  • Role and company: Product Manager, Telia Company.

  • Miro board:


Password: miroscope




A fun game that can be used as an icebreaker or team building activity. Do it together, pit different teams against each other, make it a solo competition – you decide! 

The rules are simple: Look for clues hidden in miniature sticky notes within the gigantic Miro Monster Image using nothing but zoom as your weapon of choice. When you find them, solve the riddles to win the game!

How to:

  • Find all 5 clues hidden in the Monster Image

  • Solve the riddle. 

  • Rejoice!

By the way...

You start on a 100% zoom level. And the Monster Image is on a 1% zoom level… 😏 Start to zoom or meet your doom. Good luck!

Henrik StΓ₯hl

Oh wow, your template is AWESOME @MartinaBonetti! πŸ˜ I love the customization part, it’s absolutely brilliant!

McCall Turner

Wow wow wow! Love both your templates! 🀩 @Henrik StΓ₯hl @Martina Bonetti 

McCall Turner

The deadline for this challenge has been extended! Keep the submissions coming! 

Hey at all!

So nice to see what happend here. I am excited to see much more of your nice boards! 

One Question: The Miroboard whith the Monster assets is filled with some other stuff but not with he monster. Can you help me? πŸ˜Ž

Have a nice day! πŸ˜



Helena Brandist

Hi @Katja Seidel thanks for your nice message, we’re also really excited to see all the cool templates πŸ˜

Regarding the board with assets- i think you may be looking in a wrong place, you can find the board here.


Looking forward to what you may create!

Hi @Helena Brandist 
Thanks for your message! 

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but I keep coming back to the board with the mood check in. Also when I click on your link. πŸ€”

What can I do? 

Helena Brandist

Hi @Katja Seidel i saw someone pasted that in the board for some reason- it is gone now :) I β€˜brought you to me’ on the board- do you see it now? πŸ˜Š

@Helena Brandist It works πŸ˜

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7271 replies
  • August 1, 2022

BREAKING NEWS: The Monster sticker pack has been spotted in the wild...



Hello everyone,

Here is my submission for the contest. For me it was obvious that something as destructive as a giant monster fits great to my favorite Ice Breaker method "Pre Mortem". It’s the perfect Ice Breaker which prepares the participants for the upcoming workshop.

β†’ Perfect as a creative warm-up exercise.

β†’ Helps uncovering hidden agendas,

β†’ Great for defining guidelines for upcoming product development

  • Your full name: Stefan Bauer

  • Role and company: User Experience Designer @ OTTO (Germany)

  • Miroverse Link 

  • Password: miroversesubmission

  • Instructions on how to use the template:

    Usually in a creative workshop people try to outdo each other with good ideas. This time we want to achieve the opposite.

    Think together about what would really break the project. No matter if it's missed deadlines, irritated users, or some kind of financial downfall. There are no limits to your pessimism.
    There are two options.

    • Either you collect your pre-mortem ideas together as a team. For this you need a person who writes and moderates.

    • You can also set a timer and brainstorm in parallel. Afterwards, everyone presents their post-its. β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹

  • Beginner
  • 4 replies
  • August 16, 2022


First time joining a miro competition so apologies for the messiness in advance!πŸ™ˆ

I thought the Monster could represent something many of us fear but hopefully with the right tools can learn to love - feedback. Especially when working in a team, collecting feedback on complicated processes can feel like it’s best to be avoided. I tried to go for a playful, imperfect and consistent theme because I believe that’s the best mindset we can have around receiving and delivering feedback. Or being a beloved Monster.

I mixed some ideas from retrospectives and the PIE feedback model, which are not my original creation but are general/open knowledge, i.e. not proprietary.

  • Your full name: Anna-Maria Todorova
  • Role and company: agile coach @eyeo GmbH
  • Embedded board:

    Password: IAmTheMonster
  • Who would benefit from it most:
    • Teams that want to gather feedback on a specific topic AND take action.
    • Template can also easily be adjusted to suit the team’s needs for a retrospective.
  • How to use the template:
    • For the team/the person facilitating this workshop:
      • Before you begin, select a process/project/topic the team wants to dive deeper into and wants to improve.This is going to be the focus of the workshop so deciding beforehand (maybe in a retrospective, team days, other workshops) is vital.
    • You can allow the team up to 10 minutes to arrive to the workshop by guiding them to acquaint themselves with the introduction and the agenda. Feel free to speed this up and allocate the time differently, if needed.
    • Introduce the PIE model and allow time for the team to ask any questions that come up. They will get to practice using it in the next section.
    • Give the team 15 minutes to deliver their feedback on the agreed focus area with the help of the PIE model.
    • Next up the team reads all entries, groups the similar topics together and asks clarifying questions.
    • The team has to decide on the top 3 topics they’d like to discuss further and brainstorm ideas to improve or multiply the effects of these topics. (Depending on the votes, it can also be less than 3 topics.)
    • After this, it would be best to take a 10-minute break.
    • The team gets back together to discuss their top priority.
      • Depending on the available time and topics this can last anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes.
    • The team brainstorms ways to multiply or improve the effects of this topic, and picks a winner.
    • There are two additional frames for up to two further topics, if needed.
    • After the team is clear what their commitments are, they can discuss any hopes or concerns they have. Sometimes team feel pressured to take action and this aspect get overlooked, but I believe that addressing these while redundant for some teams, can allow for more open communication in other teams.
    • Next up there is frame explaining the benefits of giving feedback in an objective way one more time. (Side note: I apologize for my gimp skills but I love the dopey smile the monster has when we turn that frown upside down!)
    • If the team wants to they can collect feedback on this workshop in order to improve their future meetings.
    • Feedback Monster thanking the team, because manners matter.
    • A frame crediting the miro assets, because giving credit matters.

Hello everyone!

I stumbled upon this challenge and decided to make a version of the popular game "Shoots & Ladders".

  • Your full name: Jens Friess
  • Role and company: Researcher at the Technical University of Darmstadt
  • Board:


All you need to play is a way for each player to roll the die. There are instructions how to use a Miro app for dice rolling, but you can use any other alternative you prefer.


1. Have a way for each player to roll a 6-sided die.
2. Each player rolls the die and moves forward as many fields as the number on the die shows.
3. If you roll a 1 you have three options:
a. Move forward 1 field
b. Pick a player to move forward 1 field
c. Pick a player to move back 1 field
4. If you land on a red traffic light, you skip your next turn.
5. If you land on a numbered field you have to roll the die again and move to the number you rolled.
6. If you land on a field that sends you forward or back, follow the link and place your avatar on the new field.
7. If you land on a "Slayed It" field, on your next turn pick a person AND then roll the die. They go back, you move forward.
8. If you land on a "Miro Hero" field, on your next turn the last person (pick one, if multiple players share the field) moves as many fields forward as you.
9. First monster to reach the "Problem Solved" field wins the love of all the people of Townsville. 

Hope you like it!

McCall Turner
  • Author
  • Mironeer
  • 13 replies
  • August 24, 2022

It’s the final countdown! ⏰


Get those submissions in! This will be a tough call. So many creative templates! 

  • Miro Hero
  • 2 replies
  • August 31, 2022


  • Your full name: Deinika Kilgour

  • Role and company: Meridian, CX Designer

  • Miro board: 




Bingo is a fun game of chance that anyone can play. A great 5 - 15 minute ice breaker, team bonding or friendly competition starter. Miro Monster-ised!



  1. You'll need a scorecard for each player. For additional participants duplicate a scorecard board, randomise stickers and choose a player colour. Each scorecard has a random selection of 9 stickers.
  2. You'll need a chip board for each player. Bingo chips or Miro Monster faces are what players will use to cover the squares on their scorecards.
  3. Choose a player to be the caller. The caller is the person that unveils a sticker to determine which squares get covered on everyone's scorecards. The caller still gets to play the game with everyone else. Alternately, all players may take turns at calling.
  4. Select calling method. To make a call, an individual chooses a numbered sticky note to remove revealing a Monster sticker. The caller may pick these at random or use Totally Random from Miro apps. Totally Random allows you to select an item at random or shuffle the numbered sticky notes and revealing stickers numerically.


How to play:

  1. Position the board in a way where all players can see their scorecard and the numbered stickies.
  2. The caller selects the numbered sticky and moves it off the board or deletes it.
  3. The players move a Miro Monster chip over a square on their Bingo card if they have a matching sticker to the one called.
  4. Continue calling and placing chips until someone gets 3 chips in a row on their scorecard.
  5. To win, be the first to fill a line horizontally, vertically, or diagonally and call out BINGO or make your best Monster noise.

Have fun! 

McCall Turner
  • Author
  • Mironeer
  • 13 replies
  • September 9, 2022

Hello everyone!! 🀩

Voting extended by one week so we have time to look through these amazing boards. Don’t forget to upvote your favorite for β€œPeople’s Choice.” Winners will be announced Sept 19th. Share with a friend and ask them to vote! NOTE: Please make sure your board is properly embedded so everyone can see. @Deinika @Jens Friess @amtodorova @Henrik StΓ₯hl @stefan.bauer @Robert Johnson @MartinaBonetti @Katja Seidel

McCall Turner
  • Author
  • Mironeer
  • 13 replies
  • September 19, 2022

Hi everyone and especially @Deinika , @Jens Friess , @amtodorova , @Henrik StΓ₯hl , @stefan.bauer , @Robert Johnson , @MartinaBonetti , @Kaja Chade :blush:


Excited to announce the winners of our Miro Monster template challenge! 


 :drum::drum::drum:  The winners are:


Congratulations everyone! I will reach out to the winners shortly to get the details to send the prizes :gift: 


We were blown away by all your creative templates! You all are rockstars. All of your templates are available in Miroverse for the world to enjoy. Stay tuned for more exciting ways to get involved within the Miro Community! 


Happy collaborating! 

-McCall and the Miro Community team. 



wohoo πŸŽ‰ thanks a lot! I really had fun making this πŸ˜„