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Tip: Copy objects from one frame to another, and to the same location

  • 30 June 2024
  • 6 replies

A lesser known feature that is worth sharing, and one that I only recently stumbled upon by accident, is that it is possible to copy objects from one frame to another in a way that the pasted objects will end up in the exact same location as the originals.

A common use case for this is that you want to add a logo to each frame for a presentation and want the logo to be in the exact same location, e.g., so their location remains static during a presentation.

Note: In order for this to work exactly as expected, all frames would be the exact same size – both height and width. This is required because of how the feature works (it looks at the location of the copied object relevant to the parent/source frame, and then places it in the same x/y location in the destination frame(s). I will demo this later.

How to do it

  1. Select one or more objects in a frame
  2. Copy them
  3. Select all of the destination frames (use can use Ctrl/Cmd-click to multi select)
  4. And then paste using Ctrl/Cmd-V.

Here it is in action:

And here's what will happen if your frames are not the exact same width and height:


Other tips (and a bonus)


If you will be doing this several times, consider grouping the frames for easier selection before pasting:


You can even group your framed objects for in-sync replacement across all frames. However, they will need to be grouped outside of the frame as you cannot currently group objects across two or more frames:



Need to apply a watermark effect? Place a rectangle shape over your object, set to the same colour as the frame, and lower the opacity:


Happy Miroing!

6 replies

Userlevel 4

Thank you for sharing about this helpful feature, Rob! We’re glad it’s helping you build boards fast and seamlessly. 😊 

Userlevel 5

This is not only an incredible feature set native in Miro - been using the tool for eight-ish years and never knew this was possible - but it’s also beautifully composed documentation courtesy of @Robert Johnson. So much to appreciate here! Brings Miro closer to the kinds of design decisions available in InDesign, Paste in Place and the notion of Master Pages / inheritance.

If this isn’t part of Miro’s official knowledgebase already it should absolutely be incorporated. Awesome all around. 

I stumbled on this feature by accident just today! Just to check I’m understanding if this is the same functionality as what I’m describing below?...

  • I duplicated a frame multiple times
  • I lasso’d all frames and locked them (I think this groups them as well?)
  • I pasted 3 stickies into the first frame.
  • I lasso’d the 3 stickies, ctrl-c and ctr-v into the 2nd frame
  • All frames had the 3 stickies pasted in the same location in the frame. Wow!
Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@arbee - That’s a very similar scenario from which I discovered the feature. For me, I extracted a 19-page PDF on to a board, put frames around each page (using the Framer app), selected all of the frames and PDFs and locked them, and when I was attempting to paste an object from one frame to the next, I had accidentally selected the entire group of locked objects, so my pasted object went onto all frames.

I had to work backwards to understand: Was it because they were locked together? Was it because they were document objects?

  • I lasso’d all frames and locked them (I think this groups them as well?)

That’s what got us both - yes, there is some sort of grouping being applied when you lock multiple objects at once.


Thanks @Robert Johnson . That makes sense and I guess it will keep on revealing itself in different ways!

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

This is very cool and helpful, @Robert Johnson! Can’t wait to try it out myself. :]
