Take a moment to introduce yourself to the rest of the community. Feel free to follow this template if you’re not sure where to begin:
Introduction template:
🎤 Name (pronouns optional)
📍 Location
💻 Organization + Role
💛 Areas of Expertise (ie. Product Management, Agile, Design, etc)
🎨 Interesting Fact About You
We can’t wait to get to know you all better and see you create the next big thing in this Miro Community!
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Hi there. David Nour from Atlanta, GA in the southeastern US. I advise senior leadership/boards, research, am an adjunct professor at the Goizueta Business School at Emory University, and Vanderbilt University’s Owen Graduate School of Management, and have written ten books; working on #11 at the moment. I have a regular column in Forbes and Inc. and host a podcast, Curve Benders focused on my next book.
My life’s work has been focused on applications of strategic relationships in profitable growth, sustained innovation, and lasting change. I’ve captured those ideas in Relationship Economics (Wiley), and Co-Create (St. Martin’s Press), as well as the forthcoming Curve Benders, to name a few.
I’m originally from Iran, immigrated to the U.S. as a teenager with $100, limited family ties, and no fluency in English. Undergrad in management, grad school in strategy, two teenagers, two crazy dogs, married for 24 years, and ride motorcycles for fun (long-distance, and on tracks). Learn more about me and my work at www.NourGroup.com.
Hi, everyone!
Now I’m some kind of semi-acting partner in big sport goods/services and trying to increase the efficiency of processes with agile/product management approach.
But in near future I’m going to completely switch to product management role and develop myself to be the great product guy as I understand there is the great future for products/especially digital ones.
Now i use miro fro drawing User stories/boards/mindsets etc.
Great idea now during isolation - we play games and draw together with my daughter who is away unfortunately!
Thanks and keep in touch!
Hi Everyone
I work for a cultural consultancy in the UK. We write cultural strategies for local authorities, business plans for festivals and offer governance advice to arts organisations - to list just a few areas of our work. Using online tools more and more - even before the COVID-19 crisis, but now with lockdown in the UK still in force and clients overseas as well, I am very interested to find out more about miro and how it will help us facilitate our usual World Cafe workshop consultations.
Look forward to sharing experiences and expertise.
Best wishes
Kim Hart FEI
Hi, everyone!
I hope you’re all well. I’m Michael from Los Angeles, California!
I’ve been part of the Customer Service team at events for Toynami for the past 7 years or so. I help support the team in taking care of its customers at the conventions where we exhibit throughout the year, most notably at San Diego Comic Con, but also WonderCon and DesignerCon in Anaheim as well!
I’m new to Miro and here to learn more about the product and all its capabilities!
I look forward to collaborating and learning with you, helping out where I can!
Wishing you the best, Michael Sohn
Hi everyone,
My name is José M Aguirre and I’ve being living in Quebec City since 2012.
I co-create a consulting and training firm called UMANIX with my wife and my brother. I’m actually an Agile Coach and Trainer on Lean Change Management, Disciplined Agile and SAFe.
In parallel I own a company where we deliver workshops on STEM (Science Technologie Engineering and Mathematics) for kids using motorized and programable Legos.
It’s been a while since I use Miro for very different purposes (Mind Maps, Story Mapping, Customer Journey Maps, Retrospectives, etc etc) With COVID19 I’ve being forced to convert all of my workshops to remote delivery which made me work even more with the App.
I love to take out my creative side and Miro helps me a lot to do that.
I feel really lucky to have an amazing family (see my picture). I’m proudly dad of a 2 legged son and a hairy 4 legged girl
Nice to meet you all and hope I can bring good insights that help.
José M Aguirre
Hi all,
my name is Gennaro and I am an Agile Coach and a Scrum Master for a big company in Lucca, Italy.
Our dev teams started using Miro for their boards, before the COVID lockdown; when we started working from home I needed to find a good tool for everyone to have our meetings, especially for Product Owners.
Now Miro is one of the most used tools for sharing work status, ideas, and so on.
I also attended some workshop with some of our trainer where miro was used in a real funny way!
I hope to become more expert in using this tool.
Hi, people, how are you? Hope all is doing well.
My name is Daniel Portugal. I’m an Agile instructor and coach at Caelum. l live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Social isolation has obligued our firm to work remote and we had to find tools that helped us adapt our classes. That search led me to Miro and from that moment I never looked back .
I currently use Miro for various purposes:
prepare content for our classes, from simple diagrams to complete day-length schedules
record videos and give classes using above content
run retrospectives with our team and organization as a whole
facilitate team building activities
study and organize thoughts
As you can see I use Miro for everything!
One of my thirsty dogs!
Hello everyone,
My name is Michael, and I live in London, England.
I am halfway through my Masters program at City, University of London studying Human-Computer Interaction Design.
I have been experimenting with different productivity applications during my previous semesters, and so far I have settled on Airtable (for project management, UX research and task planning), Notion (for lecture notes and other short writing) and Zapier, both of which have massively helped me in my project management.
I am just getting started with Miro, and from what I have read, I am impressed by its versatility and ability to integrate with so many other apps.
I am looking forward to participating in discussions!
I’m Juliette, I’m also halfway through my masters program. I’m studying Communication and specializing in deliberation at Colorado State University. While my program was focused on face-to-face deliberation initially, COVID-19 has prompted us to look into online tools and platforms for engagement. I am focusing on how to design processes and facilitate to maximize what online engagement can entail.
I’m delightfully surprised by Miro’s ease of use and complex templates and customization options. What I initially dismissed as a digital whiteboard and sticky notes has shown to be very engaging, fun, and greatly improved the overall process and decision making.
I’m looking forward to seeing how Miro adapts for live events and to test its capabilities as I prep to return to online teaching this Fall.
Hi all, I’m Nate, a strategy consultant in the enterprise design space. Loving Miro - hoping to see data modelling and smart layout capabilities in the future!
Hey, All.
I am Vinish Garg, from Chandigarh. I work as an independent product consultant with international product teams for 10+ years, on the intersection of product UX, content design, and product strategy.
Being on product Hunt since 2013, I have reviewed hundreds of products and spoken to hundreds of founders. Miro is amazing as an affordable and shared digital brain for connecting the dots and finding directions in our narrative.
you could introduce yourself in detail and what you are doing with miro.
And I am sure - by telling a bit more about what you exact do with it you will get response maybe new ideas what you could do with it for your country.
Looking forward to hear (read) your story.
Hello @mlanders, I am Onose ogaga, I am the founder of WittyHub in Effurun, Nigeria and I am a tech promoter in my country too. Well for the records, am new to Miro but I see it as a platform that will aid corporate remote collaboration, I got to know about Miro via searching online and since there Miro has no community in my country, I felt I should take it upon myself to start it in Nigeria for us to learn more and grow a community around it. So if there is any support you or Miro can give, please do let’s get it rolling in my country Nigeria. Thank you
Hi everyone,
My name is Dharmalingam, Dharma for short. I live in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, a city at a walking distance from Singapore. I’m new to Miro - I’m hoping to use its white board feature for doing workshops and planning sessions with a couple of public speaking clubs that I belong to. Looking forward to chatting and learning from all of you in the future.
My name is Ellen. I live in Manhattan. No pets, although I love dogs. I am the founder and co-owner of Phi Services, collaboraton technology solutions.
We are uniquely focused on accelerating our clients’ collaborative processes - creativity, agility, bringing innovative ideas to life quickly, tracking processes, project management, visualization, and most of all connecting teams internally and/or remotely for real-time data sharing – through technology - from planning to adoption.
Consulting to develop and expand use case is at the heart of what we do, so adoption is realized - not just lip service. A new step in this direction is a just launched fully digital, learning experience catalog, delivered by experienced real world practicioners. Courses range from agile frameworks, kanban, dev ops, leadership skills to organizational resilience, using Miro which we have just identified as our go to collaboration platform. We look forward to working closely with this organization and learning from all of you.
Hi all. Nice to be a part of this community!
Hi everyone!
My name is Yauheni and I am a Software Engineer from Belarus. I was looking for a contemporary mindmap tool and was glad to find such a powerful tool as Miro. I am going to use it for self-development, life management, structuring and creation of ideas and knowledge.
To let on I was surprised that Miro crew betting on teams when they have done a gorgeous tool that can change the lives of individuals. I look forward to getting even more value for my life working with this tool.
All the best to everyone!
Hi all, I just joined the community today. I thought I would introduce me first in respect of Miro but other stuff as well.
I’ m a CRM consultant specialised on the Salesforce platform and mainly working from home (hence Miro). I would say that, for me, a typical project lifecycle is divided this way: 20% on customer site, 60% WFH, 20% facing the colleagues in the office.
I’m French and I live with my English wife and daughter in the west of England but we also have lived in the South of France where this picture was taken (our garden was basically located on top of a mountain above the clouds):
Wish you all the best in these difficult times. Hope to speak soon.
I’m Pieter from Belgium. Currently working for itsme as a customer success expert. I found Miro to map user interviews and structure them in a way to find painpoints. Afterwards, we used it to design a user journey and turned it into an internal project.
I’m here to learn more about Miro and it’s features!
Hi everyone
My name is Kian and I’ve been using Miro now for three years - its just so helpful for remote working and for bringing ideas to life… we use it a lot for gathering client information, sketching out the as-is and to-be workflows and then on into design - a key insight for us is that when you can help clients to ‘see’ what you’re building, it can help to bring it to life in their mind.
I like to use Miro to make Op Art pics (at the weekends)
This is super cool!
Hi Everyone,
I just started using Miro, and I love it. Really would like to geek out with people to talk about how to use it. Ive read some things already, and so inspired!!
I work with MBA students as a career coach, and I am starting a business to help coach children to self-lead. I’m also an artist ;)
Up up and away!
Hi All!
I’m the founder of Resilien.Tech and live outside of Chicago. Although I started Resilien.Tech as a consulting company, in early 2020 (for obvious reasons) I pivoted to developing online leadership workshops specifically for Tech Professionals. My flagship is The Tech Leader’s Workshop.
I created the first iteration of the workshop in a private instance of Discourse. It’s an open source forum platform, and it has worked fine for V1.0. But I am want a more engaging platform. So I’m testing Miro as a potential replacement.
Hello Miro community, I find this tool incredible, the feeling and all the lots of ideas that come to mind about the things you can do with Miro are fabulous. Thank you all very much for sharing your uses, tools and ideas in this community, that is the most important thing, SHARE. I am a professor in entrepreneurship and a consultant in new business development and for these topics Miro is the ideal tool.
Hi, I’m Michelle!
I’m the Director of Production & Operations at Use All Five, which is a digital design & development studio in Los Angeles. We create websites, apps, and products for brands like Google, Spotify, UCLA, & the Recording Academy / GRAMMYs.
We found Miro at the beginning of “stay at home orders” and have been finding new ways to integrate it into our workflows every day!
We started using Miro for simple wireframes, and have expanded into using it for our quarterly/high-level resource planning and creative briefs to kick off new projects.
As a former Product Manager myself, I’m excited to be a part of this community to learn from and contribute to this amazing product!