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It’s day five of Innovation Wonderland week! For our final community challenge of 2024, show off your creativity by designing your very own calendar template.


Every participant wins swag!


🏆 Here’s the challenge:

  1. Design your calendar template in Miro 
    1. Looking for inspiration? Check out these ideas from the Miro team.
    2. Submit multiple template to increase your odds of winning the big prize
  2. Submit your template(s) in Miroverse
  3. Share a link to your template(s) in this thread by Friday, Jan 31, 2025
  4. Winners will be announced the week of Feb 3, 2025 


🗳️Voting and judging:

Two winners will be selected — one in each of the following categories:

  1. Community choice: Decided based on the number of likes and copies the template receives in Miroverse.
  2. Miro team choice: Decided by a panel of Mironeer judges based on relevance, layout and design, and ease of use. 

🎯 Relevance: Have you created a template that meets the challenge criteria?

🎨 Layout and design: Is your template organized, attractive, and easy to navigate?

🔧 Ease of use: Is your template easily understandable? Does it have clear instructions?


🎁 What’s in it for you:

  • Your template will be added to the Template Challenge category in Miroverse 
  • Every participant will receive a Miro water bottle once the challenge is over
  • Each winner will receive a $50 digital gift card 


📌 Challenge ends Friday, Jan 31, 2025


We can’t wait to see your templates — good luck! 🤩


Hello Creators!


9 out of 10 ideas will fail. But this doesn't stop the creators, makers and entrepreneurs in their quest to build. To take an idea from a seed that is planted in their mind to shape it into a fully-grown oak tree.


Innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, it goes by many names, but the art of having an original thought and building it into a real-world idea is one of the most challenging, loneliest and trying processes you can embark on.


Having both been an entrepreneur and worked at leading design and digital product studios, I have a unique perspective based on this experience. And I felt there is a need to help the next cohort. So I built an open-source library of tools, products and reference material to guide a user from idea to execution.


The Creators Journey is a tool that has 5 phases that you follow. Connect, Curate, Craft, Create, Circulate. Each stage helps you to build, strengthen and develop your idea. Most importantly it guides you through the process to launch an idea. 


The 5 Phase of the Creators Journey 

  1. Connect: As a founder or creator the most important part of building an idea is to understand what matters to you, what motivates you, and your passions. As Paul Graham founder of YC has famously said and written, finding your purpose is the most important thing you can do in life. And it is one of the hardest! This phase will help you to understand what ideas you should pursue and what matters to you.

  2. Curate: With an understanding of your drivers and motivations, we step into the process of developing ideas. This phase offers a suite of tools, strategies and tactics for developing ideas, thinking creatively and stimulating your imagination to unlock your genius.

  3. Craft: With ideas in hand, the next step is focused on refining these. Understand the value of the idea, its purpose, and how it could solve a real user problem. How could this idea be brought to life? Thinking like an artist there are elements of sculpting the idea, playing with it, to find its fit in the world.

  4. Create: With strong ideas emerging you narrow your focus in the create phase and bring them to life. These could initially be in the form of sketches through to prototypes (a first draft). You talk to people about your idea, walk them through it, take the user’s feedback and iterate on it 2–3 times. The tools in this section help you to build. Gather feedback and create your idea.

  5. Circulate: Finally, you near your reward. To release your idea into the world. From going through the 4 phases before you feel confident that your idea is one that you value, believe in and are solving a customer problem. The Creators Jurnye guides you through the last steps of releasing your product, which will provide you with an immense sense of purpose, fulfilment and satisfaction.

This is the Creators Journey. A guide to building an idea.

A calendar of the holiday season, to help track who is in and out and where teams may be short of cover over the Christmas and New Year period.

The example given is for Engineering teams and their support teams, platform, architecture, support, management.

Get your teams to fill this in and identify gaps in cover/support over the holiday period.

Looking for a fun and delightfully dramatic icebreaker? Look no further! Here’s a Twilight-themed icebreaker to kick off your next workshop with a splash of fun! 😊
