Are there designers here that are getting paid to create custom Miro templates?
Hello, I am a designer/trainer trying to translate some of my training icebreakers into online activites. They are (were) very tangible play activites and at the moment can’t happen.
I have been building them in Miro now for a few weeks and adore the platform. It is so easy to design a learning environement that is as intiuative and engaging as physical. As my heart is in designing environments I am getting very excited about designing Miro work/play spaces for people.
But, after a day of research I can’t really find individuals that are doing this? So, I am curious if there are people charging for designing Miro boards? or if not why not? Maybe to many free templates out there?
Anyway, I would love to hear from you and see what you think? I am working on a lovely template to put on the Miroverse soon.
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I don’t think I’ve heard of anyone doing that either @Jules
I think getting your work put on the Miroverse is a great start though! That way if anyone needs to get some boards built, they know who to contact.
I know there are a lot of freelance facilitators that manage meetings with Miro boards. So I wonder if this more “short term” service is something that organizations would find useful. What would you charge to design a board for a client?
$10, $50, $100???
Should it be an hourly wage or cost per board?
@Jules and @Kyle.C -
I have helped a few community members so far with some of their board design needs via video conferences and some hands-on work at cost. The duration of these gigs have been fairly short and I haven’t been actively soliciting them but rather just responding to requests for help when they come up in the community.
Thanks @Kyle.C and @Kiron Bondale I would still love to hear from anyone! I am thinking a flat board fee. In fact pretty much how things look in Miroverse with workable user friendly board, activities and a small video how to) could be branded as well for company. No idea of cost. At the moment the boards are mainly icebreaker sessions.
@Jules, I do exactly this.
There is DEFINITELY a market for people who can merge facilitation/session design expertise + Miro technical expertise + graphic design expertise to create beautiful, functional boards that achieve the client’s goals.
I have some pre-made templates that I sell on my website for a set fee (they are kind of specific to a particular user group, so not really appropriate for the Miroverse), but mostly I work with clients to outline exactly what they want to do and then design a custom Miro space to support that.
To do that, I first meet with them briefly for a needs assessment session, then we do a longer live prototyping session where they walk me step by step through what they are trying to accomplish and I throw some stuff on the board, and then we agree on design standards (usually matching their branding or some other thematic umbrella), and then I build a v.1. Then we meet again, go through it with a fine toothed comb and refine. Of course, sometimes there are more iterations, but that’s the general process.
I generally estimate based on the first meeting how many hours that will all take and then give them the option of a packaged fee or an hourly rate (usually $150/hr). It *generally* takes me about 1-2 hours of design/build for every hour of event.
Hope that helps and good luck!
@Jules, I do exactly this.
There is DEFINITELY a market for people who can merge facilitation/session design expertise + Miro technical expertise + graphic design expertise to create beautiful, functional boards that achieve the client’s goals.
I have some pre-made templates that I sell on my website for a set fee (they are kind of specific to a particular user group, so not really appropriate for the Miroverse), but mostly I work with clients to outline exactly what they want to do and then design a custom Miro space to support that.
To do that, I first meet with them briefly for a needs assessment session, then we do a longer live prototyping session where they walk me step by step through what they are trying to accomplish and I throw some stuff on the board, and then we agree on design standards (usually matching their branding or some other thematic umbrella), and then I build a v.1. Then we meet again, go through it with a fine toothed comb and refine. Of course, sometimes there are more iterations, but that’s the general process.
I generally estimate based on the first meeting how many hours that will all take and then give them the option of a packaged fee or an hourly rate (usually $150/hr). It *generally* takes me about 1-2 hours of design/build for every hour of event.
Hope that helps and good luck!
@Kim Roth Howe Would you mind explaining how you deliver the Miro file from your website? It is my understanding that the client needs to be a paying Miro client to download the Miro RTB file and load it. Is your target audience already Mito customers that you are currently working with?
I asked a similar question here about the most efficient way to sell templates.
I have a free account with JUST the template in it. When people purchase it, they are invited to join the team, duplicate and move the board to their own account - free or paid - and then are removed from the team after 72 hours. I send them an email with them instructions on how to do this with their purchase and offer help if they need it. That’s the easiest way I’ve found!
I have a free account with JUST the template in it. When people purchase it, they are invited to join the team, duplicate and move the board to their own account - free or paid - and then are removed from the team after 72 hours. I send them an email with them instructions on how to do this with their purchase and offer help if they need it. That’s the easiest way I’ve found!
@Kim Roth Howe Thank you for offering that info. I hope that Miro will provide a better path (just a simple download) to make it easier for clients. I can jump through hoops but I want the process of onboarding my clients into Miro to be easy and pleasant for my clients (which would also be a good step for them to upgrade to their own plan).
User-created content that is valued by other users —> seems pretty on-trend to me! And giving users who are consultants & trainers a platform for monetising some of their best work, which they’ll probably be bringing into Miro (or, you know, Mural) anyway, seems a strategy worth considering
What would be awesome is something like the Apple App Store, where it’s easy to search for process elements rather than full workshops - ice breakers and games for particular learning outcomes would be the kind of design I’d pay a fee for.
And some basic standards around what an activity template needs to contain - like, instructions that a participant could follow.
@jtk -
The simplest approach to providing clients with a custom board is to make a backup of it to an RTB file on your computer and send that file to your clients to restore within one of their teams. They will need to be on a paid plan to do this, otherwise they would have to do a copy & paste or duplicate action to get the content.
I recently participated in a paid Service Design Training that had a plethora of Miro templates (created by the training company) that we used and were available for me to copy over to my personal board. So I guess in a way, part of my payment went towards facilitation and access to the templates?
Hi everyone,
I have had the blessing of designing custom Miro boards for a few clients over the last year through paid consulting engagements. Since this is a visual collaboration community, I’ve recorded a quick loom to show the type of boards I’ve had success with and explain my approach a bit further...
If you have any questions, please let me know! I am happy to discuss further.
Logan Skees
“Venture Map” Board“Incubation Framework” Board
I too have had the good fortune to help a few folks out with some Miro designs, everything from activity design to Miro Skills Training, to digitization of formerly in-person workshops and events. I think this is a new line of business I want to explore, as I very much enjoy designing fun or engaging experiences.
I’ve learned a lot from the community and through my time as a the Co-North American Miro User Group Leader, so I generally like to consider the user experience, and helping design boards that take advantage of what Miro can do, while avoiding scenarios where Miro might not be the best tool. I’ve been engaging a few graphics design artists to really put some oomph behind a some board designs, but there is a lot you can do to on your own with a good stock photo and image library to keep overall costs down.
I work well with folks who just want a board or activity designed for them, but I really prefer working with individuals who want a design, but also want coaching on how to create in Miro. DM me if you want to learn more, and I’ll post a link to my website that will contain more information on this service offering once it is ready to go.
If you would like to chat with people who created and sold beautiful boards in their professional work, join us on Distributed on Day 2 for the Community Sessions called “Baking Beautiful Boards” with experts from Miro’s community.
Scroll to Agenda and Choose Day 2 / Community Sessions.