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Replace Image via Paste

Related products:FramesImages

I wish there was an option in the Replace image drop down List “Replace Image via Paste” . 

it’s small Feature . But it would be so time saver :sunglasses:  



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12 replies

Lauree Schloss

I 100% agree.  As a designer, I am always tweaking things in a separate program.  It would be such a time saver to be able to right click and choose “replace via paste” with the update graphic so I don’t lose any connection points already established in Miro.

Lauree Schloss

Please, dear God, implement this feature!

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • May 4, 2021

I would love the replace feature, even better if you can place a linked file that would automatically update when I export a new version!

Constantly updating flows and losing connection points! 

Lauree Schloss

BUMP BUMP BUMP.  Miro NEEEDS a “paste + replace” feature or “replace from clipboard” or something like that so I don’t have to keep redoing my arrows when I update a screenshot!

Lauree Schloss


  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • October 7, 2021

I completely agree. I tried to create a template for each of the students in my class with their photo, name, and how to pronounce their name. But I can’t simply replace the image with what I grabbed from my screen; instead I have to paste, resize, drag into the right place, resize a bit more so it is consistent with the other images, 

Ok? so now we have this feature. But now when i want to paste some new image, it wont be paste separaty, it will replace accidentally selected image. And you cant undo it, if original image was uploaded by other teammate. Have you all faced this problem? Is there any solution? 

  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • June 8, 2023
Ilya Prostakov wrote:

Ok? so now we have this feature. But now when i want to paste some new image, it wont be paste separaty, it will replace accidentally selected image. And you cant undo it, if original image was uploaded by other teammate. Have you all faced this problem? Is there any solution? 

Yeah, this is extremely frustrating. Once you accidentally paste into an existing image that you might not realize is selected on the board somewhere, you can’t get that image back in full resolution - its like you get a very lo res thumbnail of it back. It can be very destructive if you have annotated and drawn arrows like you might do in say, a design review. I think this behaviour should be on right click, and the default be paste as a new image, to avoid unintentional destruction.


Ilya Prostakov wrote:

Ok? so now we have this feature. But now when i want to paste some new image, it wont be paste separaty, it will replace accidentally selected image. And you cant undo it, if original image was uploaded by other teammate. Have you all faced this problem? Is there any solution? 

This functionality exists in Miro? How? I can find this nowhere. Please let me know how I can paste and replace. Thanks yoU!

Ben Stein
  • Mironeer
  • 4 replies
  • May 15, 2024
Rick Gutierrez wrote:
Ilya Prostakov wrote:

Ok? so now we have this feature. But now when i want to paste some new image, it wont be paste separaty, it will replace accidentally selected image. And you cant undo it, if original image was uploaded by other teammate. Have you all faced this problem? Is there any solution? 

This functionality exists in Miro? How? I can find this nowhere. Please let me know how I can paste and replace. Thanks yoU!

Hi Rick!


This can be achieved by selecting the image you want to replace and then pressing ‘CMD/Control + V’ (with the image you want to insert in your clipboard).


Please let us know if you have any further feedback on this 😊

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • March 13, 2025

if the new image is a different size than the old image, is there a way to tell Miro that you want it to either fit to height or fit to width.  right now it only  its to height.  I'd like the option to fit to width so that I don’t need to resize the image.
